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Amidst the vast seas of the east blue lay an infamous floating restaurant shaped like that of a fish. This restaurant was well known for its fighting cooks and many came not just for the food but to witness the cooks instead.

A less well known fact was that the head chef and owner of the restaurant used to be a feared pirate captain, the only one reported to come  out of the grand-line alive. It was none other then Red-Leg Zeff.

What surprised many was that the man, more notorious for his cooking than his pirate status now, had personally left the safety of his kitchen to serve a single man. Although unnoticed by the majority of customers this small act had caught the attention of all the cooks including the blonde pervert that was the acting assistant head chef.

He'd been with Zeff since even before the restaurant was set up and had never seen him once personally serve a customer so he was indeed curious. From where they were peaking out from the kitchen door they could only see the mans blonde hair from over the shoulder of their head chefs shoulder.

"Ehhh, what is everyone looking at?"

The voice surprising the chefs, came from a boy with; a scar under his left hair and a straw hat adorning his raven hair, picking his nose indifferently as he stared at the group of chefs. This boy had only been in the restaurant for a few weeks due to a stray cannonball from his ship hitting the floating restaurant.

"Shut up!" Sanji, the blonde pervert, shouted; an irk mark clear on his forehead and shark teeth as he glared at the boy for blowing their cover. What he was unaware of was that both men had known they were there form the start and looking at them with amusement.

Confused, Luffy made his way over to the table his crew was seated around, ready to start complaining about how hungry he was.

However all conversations and actions halted as everyone turned to a woman who'd dropped her wine glass, with both her and her partner gaping out the window.

From the distance a battered ship could be seen heading for the Baratie and the flag, although torn, held the clear insignia of a jolly roger. One man stood up stuttering as he spoke:

"The flag that turns brave men into chickens...! That flag is.... That flag is..."he said his pitch raising in fear at the end of the sentence.

"No doubt about it. It's the king of the east blue... It's Don Krieg!"

his final words brought a wave a panic to the customers, causing a lot of them to start screaming.

Zeff looked up from his conversation with, who he knew to be, a very important person. He relaxed as the blonde man nodded to him, excusing him to deal with the problem, before he vanished before Zeff's very eyes.

Bewildered at the disappearance of the man he looked around wildly, only calming when he noticed the powerful man sitting at the furthest end of restaurant; sporting fake glasses and a mustache while munching on popcorn.

Dismissing how he got to the other end of the ship, grabbed a disguise and got popcorn in less then 5 seconds, Zeff turned his attention to the commotion his customers were making.

A shadow loomed over the Baratie as the huge ship drew closer. But it was only then that everyone saw how damaged the boat truly was. The sides of the boat had large cracks running all over it and chunks of wood missing, and the sails were torn, like they had been ripped off.

Sanji and Luffy stood outside, side by side, watching the boat as it docked.

"Looks like his ship's pretty much had it" Luffy stated, getting over his awe at how big it was and now looking at the injuries the ship sustained. It was amazing that boat hadn't capsized yet.

"It doesn't look like it was attacked by a gunboat or anything...." Sanji replied before continuing with, "But it doesn't look like any human could have done that either."

"A Tornado maybe?"Luffy asks.

His question however was disregarded as Sanji watched a shadowed figure walking down from the ship.

"Here he comes"

You probably know whats coming up next, and if your wondering how Naruto (who wont be called that as no one will know his name until he trusts them with it) will be added in.... It's a secret, wait for the next chapter to find out.

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to comment :)

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to comment :)

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