Part of the Crew

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As dawn cracked the morning sky, Gladio rose from his slumber. It was time to complete his morning workout routine, but there was a minor hiccup. Thaleia's head was resting on his broad chest. There was no denying it for the big man. Having her in such an intimate moment comforted him. In fact, it was a moment he never thought he'd share with her ever again.

Although Gladiolus wanted to feel the early morning burn, he was oddly content with just watching the dark-haired beauty sleep. She had always been gorgeous to him, even when they were teenagers. It was something that he'd never be able to fully explain but he knew he was easily drawn to her. From her almond-shaped eyes to her button nose on down to the perfect cupid's bow her lips made, Gladio adored this woman.

"Perhaps you can slip away if she rolls over," Ignis said softly while sipping his Ebony. Gladio wasn't the only member of the group that was an early riser. Ignis was usually up a little before or after Gladio to plan out the day's strategies and get breakfast started.

"Yeah, maybe so..." Gladio grinned breathlessly. "I'd just feel guilty if I woke her up right now."

"Understood," Ignis smiled. "You two are quite the ensemble," he said, readjusting his glasses. Gladio could feel his cheeks burning as he attempted not smile. The mere thought of simply having another opportunity to be with Thaleia excited him, but he knew his chances were slim. After all, his relationship status was not the focal point of this journey.

"So what's the plan for today, Iggy?" Gladio asked, cradling Thaleia's body with his right arm so he wouldn't shift her too much as he tried to sit up.

"Well, we need to complete a few more hunts that would help earn us more gil. And I believe we are going to look for some gems for that reporter, Dino..." Ignis replied.

"I see..." Gladiolus mumbled. "I still think that guy is shady."

"Be that as it may, there's no harm in at least trying I suppose..." Ignis stated.

"Yeah, I guess..." Gladio paused as Thaleia began to stir. She nestled her face against his chest while her hand settled on his washboard abs. While he wasn't opposed to being felt up but he knew if he didn't wake her up now, things were going to get extremely awkward.

"Leia..." Gladio groaned, shaking her gently. "Leia, wake up." It didn't help that her leg was intertwined with his and each shake that he gave her only created more friction.

"What's going on?" Thaleia grumbled, her voice cracking as she tried to shake off the haze of her slumber.

"I... I need to go for my morning run. Didn't mean to wake you up so abruptly," Gladio explained, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Oh..." she rasped, detaching herself from him. "Sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it," Gladiolus shrugged, rising up to his feet afterward. He grabbed his shoes and left the tent quickly before she or Ignis could say anything else. Thaleia's eyes fell with sadness as she watched him leave. The awkwardness between these two was quite evident. Ignis studied Thaleia after Gladio had left the tent and he could tell she was desperately in need of a distraction.

"Thaleia..." he hesitated. "Would you mind helping me with breakfast? At least I know that I could trust you with not burning the eggs. After all, I'm sure you have your mother's skills."

"Sure... and thank you for the compliment," she smiled. "My mother did take great pride in sharing her gifts with Pero and me." A few tears dampened her cheeks as she tried to choke down her pain. Memories of seeing her mother and sister being slain by Imperials still haunted her.

"Come now..." Ignis urged, extending his hand out to Thaleia. He knew that she was in a world of hurt for more reasons than one, and it was best to take things one step at a time. As they exited the tent, Ignis placed a hand on her shoulder. There were no words spoken as she turned back to face the sandy-haired blonde. With a small smile, Ignis simply gave her a nod of reassurance that things were going to get better... eventually.

It's Been A While - FFXV [Gladiolus + OC]Where stories live. Discover now