Heavy in Your Arms

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"Imperials above us!" Prompto shouted as the group continued to ward off the vicious pack of Sabertusks that surrounded them.

"These bastards just don't give up, do they?" Noct grunted, dodging one of the creatures.

"Which bastards are you referring to?" Thaleia asked through gritted teeth as she put down the final Sabertusk with an assist from Ignis.

"All of them," Noctis growled as they closed ranks to take on the Magitek Troops. As usual, Gladio stepped forward shielding both Noct and Leia from taking any initial blows. She adored how protective he was but occasionally it wracked her nerves to think how much Gladiolus was sacrificing in terms of his own safety.

"Stay cautious," Ignis warned. "There's more on the way," he added, noting a second Imperial airship above. Sounds of metal crashing against each other filled the air as the group diligently worked to eliminate their enemies. Wave after wave of MTs reigned down on them until Thaleia summoned a spell that finally laid waste to the Imperial troops.

As the dust settled, Gladio saw her slumped over in a heap on the ground. He raced over to Thaleia and cradled her body close to his. The back of her shirt was soaked with blood and her chest was heaving.

"Ignis!" Gladiolus snarled, his voice frantic and full of fear as he silently beckoned Thaleia to remain with them. Noctis slid down next to Gladio and placed his sister's hand into his own. Ignis gave him a Phoenix Down feather in hopes that it would stop the bleeding and regenerate Leia's strength.

"C'mon sis... Don't die on us. You can't!" Noctis pleaded, crushing the feather into Thaleia's hand, squeezing her fingers around it. "What the hell happened?"

"Perhaps the spell backfired?" Ignis interjected.

"She's a Glaive... she knows better," Gladio growled, lifting Leia's shirt gently to reveal the long gash that ran up her back. Before anyone could say anything, there was a loud gunshot in the distance. The three of them looked up to see Prompto gunning down the final MT that had been lurking around.

"There was fresh blood on its sword. The son of a bitch must've gotten to Leia when her back was turned," Prompto explained, putting his gun away. He took one look at the big guy and immediately sensed the urgency in Gladio's amber eyes. The Phoenix feather wasn't working fast enough.

Ignis quickly retrieved the Regalia and had the door open for Gladio and Noctis to ease into the backseat with a still unconscious Thaleia. Gladio kept her head and neck cradled while Noctis carefully placed his sister's feet in his lap. Prompto hopped into the passenger seat and Ignis made haste getting them to a safe place.

Soft music and the sounds of busy streets drifted through an open window. The sunlight hit Leia's face in tiny strips causing her eyes to rapidly shift behind their lids. Her eyes eased open to take in her new surroundings when her blurry vision finally settled on the girl with the pixie haircut seated at the side of her bed. She blinked a few times to get a clear view and a smile graced her features once she recognized that familiar face.

"Hi, sweet girl..." Leia croaked, struggling to prop herself up on an elbow.

"Hey... you're awake!" Iris rejoiced. "Take it easy... don't worry about trying to sit up," she said, helping Thaleia lay back down. "I'm glad you're coming back around-"

"It's good to see you," Thaleia smiled, cutting Iris off a bit with a warm smile. "You've grown into such a beautiful young lady."

"You're one to talk," Iris grinned. "You're even prettier than the last time I saw you. It's no wonder I had trouble getting Gladdy to leave the room and let you rest," Iris admitted.

It's Been A While - FFXV [Gladiolus + OC]Where stories live. Discover now