Scene 3: Car Conversation + 1st Hint

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Scene 3: Car Conversation + 1st Hint

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<Screen>: Teams all heading to the first mission location.

<Screen>: In Crayon Pop's car...

HaHa: Wah! Crayon Pop are our partners today!

Way: HaHa oppa really acts like a kid even now~

Cho-A: And he is married too.

<Screen>: Kid Haroro still the same even after marriage.

Gary: <sharp> But nowadays, HaHa treats most female guests on Running Man like Hyojoo.

HaHa: <laughs loudly>

Cho-A: <to HaHa> Oppa, please treat my younger sister well today.

Way: Yes please, oppa!

HaHa: Arasso, Way ah. But Cho-A should wake Gary hyung up from monday sickness.

<Screen>: Monday sickness?

Gary: Eyy, I'm not that 'sick'...

Cho-A: <jealous(?)> Oppa is still thinking of Jihyo noona right?

HaHa: Ah, hyung's always like that.

Gary: Ah stress~!

All except Gary: <laughing>.

<Screen>: In Davichi's car...

Sukjin: Wow. Davichi are really pretty and adorable at the same time right, Kwangsoo ya?

Kwangsoo: Ye, hyung.

Minkyung: <really proud> All the oppas say that to us everytime.

Haeri: Because she is younger, the praises are for her.

<Screen>: Haeri caring for her dongsaeng.

Kwangsoo: But when you two perform, you are really charming. And you have great voices and high notes too!

Sukjin: Exactly.

Haeri: Kamsahabnida oppas.

<Screen>: Praises for Davichi all around.

Sukjin: Kwangsoo and Haeri are same-aged friends!

<Screen>: Same-aged partners from the 85' line: Kwangsoo and Haeri.

Minkyung: Haeri noona always wanted to meet Kwangsoo oppa.

Sukjin: Jinja?

<Screen>: Haeri is also a fan of Kwangsoo.

Kwangsoo: Is that why you teamed up with me?

Haeri: Ye, because I'm oppa's fan!

Kwangsoo: <happy> <touched>

Haeri: <real intentions(?)> And also because you know Joongki oppa...

<Screen>: Haeri revealing she also likes Joongki.

Kwangsoo: <!>

Sukjin & Minkyung: <laughing>

Haeri: <saving herself> But I really like Kwangsoo oppa too!

Kwangsoo: <furious(?)> I'll be watching you closely from now.

<Screen> Crayon Pop and Davichi cars filled with happiness.

<Screen>: SNSD car meanwhile.

<Screen>: ...

<Screen>: Not much said between them since the opening.

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