Chapter 6

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We got to the pool and I tried to make a run for the slide. I felt mama grab my hand and pull me to her side. She bent down and looked me in the eyes. "What did I just tell you? Hmmm?"
"Not to run from you and mommy." I mumbled.
"And what did you just do?"
"I runned away."

"Don't do it again." I heard mommy say.

We walked and set our stuff down on some of the seats by the pool. "Swim swim now mommies?"

"Sunscreen first guys." Mommy said
They tag teamed me because I was squirming and trying to run away the whole time. They finally finished with me and mommy started to do mamas back. She turned and looked into her eyes and then glanced up at me.

I could tell they wanted to kiss and so I came up with an escape so they could be alone.

"I go potty" I stated and ran off, knowing full well I would get in trouble. Mommy and mama shouted after me but they didn't get up because the bathroom was close.

I peeked out from around the door and watched them. Mommy was leaning in and placed a little kiss on mamas lips. They both pulled back and mama looked down. Her cheeks were flushed.

They kissed again, longer this time and I cheered They jumped apart and looked over at me. Mama crooked her finger in my direction, looking embarrassed. Walking over, I though I was gonna be in trouble for spying on them and running away.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked solemnly looking at my bare feet. Someone put their fingers beneath my chin and lifted it up. I was face to face with mommy. "Did you plan that?"
She didn't seem mad. "Yes I saw how much you wiked each other so I wanted you to kiss."

"Next time just talk to us. Because now you're in trouble for running away." I pouted.

"Come on baby sit here for 10 minutes and then you can swim."



When her punishment was finished, we went immediately into the water. Melody would jump into Liz's and my arms, climb out, and repeat about 50 times.

She would also race one of us down the curly slide. It was truly a beautiful day. The water was warm, the sun shining, and I was here with my girl. My girls. I still didn't know how or even if this relationship would work. But I ignored the feeling of doubt and focused on our fun day.

Elizabeth and I laid on the pool recliners holding hands while we watched Mel go down the slide in the little kids area. There was also a big mushroom shaped thing that had water falling from it. She jumped and splashed all after noon until it was time to go home.

Liz carried her to the car while I carried the bags. We talked quietly on the way home while our baby slept in the back.

When we got home I took Melody and put her in my bed. We changed her into a big tshirt and panties. Liz and I changed into similar clothes as well and climbed beside her into the bed. I was exhausted and closed my eyes. As I was drifting off, I felt Liz place a kiss on my forehead.



When I woke up I was confused. I didn't remember how I got into mommys bed and started to cry. Mama and mommy both woke up and sandwiched me in between them.

"What's the matter baby?" They looked really worried.

"I didn't know where me was." I sniffled and cuddled against them. "Mommy sing pwease?" Her singing always calmed me down.
"Alright baby. I'll sing if Liz sings with me?"
Mama looked uncertain but agreed anyway. "Okay Ill sing too."

"Lay down baby close your eyes." Someone put lamby in my arms and I squeezed her.

I heard them start to sing, sometimes pausing to kiss me on the forehead. It worked and I calmed down. When I opened my eyes again I saw mommy place a kiss on mamas lips.

"Tank you mommies. Me wove yous"

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