Chapter 23

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She hummed and looked up from her books.
"Can I has cuddles and suckies?"

She nodded and held out her arms to me. While I scurried on to her lap. "Hi little one how are you today?"

But I didn't reply, too busy lifting up her shirt and bra and sucking happily on her right boob.

"Someone's eager aren't they?" I hummed against her breast and I heard her moan.

Her arms held me tight against her chest and she started to rock back and forth. The combination of the sensations put me in a state of bliss.

When I was done, mama picked me up and laid my head on her shoulder. I held her hair in my fist as she began to sing to me.

It was a slow sleepy song and before I knew it I was asleep.


I walked into the living room to find Liz and Mel asleep on the couch. They were both adorable as they slept. I kissed both their heads and went into the kitchen to start lunch.

John and Chris were coming over. He hadn't been around in almost a day because John was adamant the kids needed a break. Liz and I agreed with him.

They both needed a good night of sleep in their own beds. And Chris needed a couple of hours to feel little without worrying about Melody.

For lunch I made sandwiches- turkey and pesto- and a side salad. Waking up my two babies was gonna be difficult but they needed to eat.

"Hey sleepy heads." I whispered while rubbing Mel's back. "Time to wake up mommy made lunch."

They both stirred and groaned. "Mommy guess what?" Mel said, her voice rough with sleep.

"I had a dream about me, and you, and mama and a puppy!"

She squealed, clearly excited at the thought of a puppy. I glanced at Liz who was softly scratching Melody's back.

"Well I guess mommy and I can have a talk about getting a dog. But they're a lot of work little one!"

Her eyes widened in excitement. "Thank you! Thank you!"

The door opened at that moment and John and Chris walked in. "Hey ladies. How are you today?"

Chris pushed past him and ran to Melody. They collided in a giant hug, talking a mile a minute about everything that happened while they were apart.

"Alright everyone let's go eat." I said.

Lunch was nice. It was full of laughter and talks of a dog. After we cleaned up Liz and I went into our room to talk.

"I think we should get a dog."

"I do too. But should we give in that easily?"
I asked

"I don't know. We should wait a few days before we go look at the shelter and make sure Mel knows she would need to help take care of it."

"I agree. So we're getting a dog?"

"Yes we are," Liz said smiling. "Come here baby I haven't held you in a while."

I hugged her tight for several minutes while exchanging kisses and teasing touches.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too Cassie. So so much."


What was taking mommys so long? Having a puppy was a great idea. We could go on adventures, cuddle, and eat peanut butter together.

Chris, Uncle John and I were watching Tangled, my favorite disney movie. I was cuddled between them and I felt so safe.

They were my family and I loved them so much.

"Me love you guys."

"I love you too squirt. Now, what kind of doggie do you want?"

"A big one!" I said, spreading my arms to demonstrate the size I wanted.

"A doggie bigger than you Mellie?" Chris asked excitedly.

I nodded happily. "I'm gonna name him Bailey and we're gonna be best friends."

We giggled and talked about puppy things for the rest of the afternoon.

Mommies came out of their room a long time later. Their hair was all messy and their cheeks flushed. I wondered what they had been doing.

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