Chapter 10

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I woke up in a bad mood. It was storming outside and I was alone in my bed. I got up and slammed the door closed and marched back into my room. It was cold so I huddled under the covers.

My eyes had just started to droop shut again when mama came barging in. "Did I just hear this door slam?" I nodded. "Why did you do that? You know you're not supposed to."

I simply shrugged. I was mad and didn't wanna see anyone. This just seemed to piss her off even more. "If you don't have an explanation then you're gonna get put in the corner."

"No I'm not going in time out and you can't make me."
Before I could even blink she hauled me up and threw me over her shoulder. Stupid dom strength.

"What was that?" 'Crap did I say that out loud?'
She spanked my butt, hard. "Owie mama dat hurt!"

"Watch your mouth then."
She stuck me in the corner with my nose to the wall. "10 minutes and then you're done."

While I was in there mommy came home. I heard her and mama talking and I started crying. All I wanted was to hug mommy because I hadn't seen her all day.

When I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around and jumped into her arms. "I sorry mommy me no be bad any more." I cried.

"Shhh princess we aren't mad. All is forgiven. How about you go apologize to mama and then we'll get some lunch?"

I nodded and ran off in mamas direction. When I reached her, I jumped and wrapped my arms around her neck. "Sorry mama me be a nice girl now otay?"

"It's okay little one. Mamas got you." She tried to put me down but I wouldn't release my arms or legs. "No me stay wit you."

I saw her shrug at mommy and we went to go sit at the table. Sitting back, I started to run my fingers through her hair and trace all her features. "Mama is very pretty."

"Yes she is." I hear from behind me. Mommy puts down two plates in front of us and gives mama a kiss on her lips. "Me want a kiss kiss."

They both kiss me on the cheeks at the same time and I giggle.

"Eat your food baby." I shake my head and turn away, burying my face in her chest. "No tank you."

"Why not baby? What's wrong?"
"I just not hungry."
"Okay but just this once. You have to eat dinner tonight."
I nodded "Can I go plays?"


"What's up with her?" I asked Liz
"I don't know maybe she's sick again? or just tired?"
"Could be. But I feel like it's something more. We just need to watch her ok?"
"Let's go to the living room then."

I stood up and took Liz's hand and kissed the back of it. When we got to the living room Melody was in the corner shaking. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

We immediately crowded her trying to figure out if she's okay. She bit her lip and vigorously shook her head. "Anxiety." She whispered. I retrieved her anxiety meds from the kitchen along with one of her baby bottles filled with water. "Who should give her the pill?" I asked Liz. Mel pointed to her mama. "Come on sweet girl."

Mel got pulled onto Elizabeth's lap. She put the pill in her mouth and then gave her the bottle. I brushed hair off my baby's forehead and kissed her cheek. "Do you wanna sleep baby you look tired?"

The princess nodded and cuddled into Liz's chest. We picked her up and carried her into our bed. I put on a tv show for her while she got all tucked in with her blankie.

"Wove you mommies." She said as she cuddled up to us and fell asleep.

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