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Why did he feel that way?

What was it about Taehyung that gave him that feeling?

Maybe because he was the first to say something like that. Maybe because he's different.

Jimin wasn't sure. Did he want know why? Yes.

He saw Taehyung in the distance with his friends walking down the hallway.

He wonders what's it's like to have friends that are just...friends.

It's been so long since he had someone who was just a friend.

But suddenly he has a 'boyfriend'

He doesn't take the term seriously because when he came with the conclusion that Taehyung would get bored and leave him, his excitement died.

He almost forgot that people only know him for sex. That's it

Not for anything else. How could he forget?

He was trying not to get his hopes up. There's no reason for him to expect anything.

Hoseok had an arm slung over Taehyung's neck and Yoongi was on the other side with his hands in his pockets.

They were listening at some joke Hoseok said which made Taehyung burst into quiet laughter with a rectangular smile.

What a weird smile shape, it's almost kinda cute. Jimin thought.

Wait what? Since when I cared about people's smiles? He wondered.

The two spotted Jimin and nudged Taehyung playfully towards him. Taehyung rolled his eyes, trying to contain his grin.

Hoseok then whispered something to him that made Taehyung lightly punch his giggly hyung in the shoulder and mumbled a response before walking off. Towards Jimin.

"Remember that the school doesn't allow PDA~"

"Be quiet. You and Yoongi-hyung are one to talk!"

One word stuck with Taehyung that he can't believe he said, boyfriend.

Did he really say that?

It was a in the heat of the moment thing, but he really meant it.

He knew he sounded demanding but he didn't really want to sound that way.

But what can he do know?

Just go with the flow.

Who are you Park Jimin? Why do you make me so curious?

Taehyung decided to smile at him "good morning Jimin"

"Good morning" Jimin wondered when was the last time he said that to someone at school.

"We have math first right? Let's sit next to each other" if Taehyung was going to be 'demanding' as you could say, might as well go with it.

Promiscuous {Vmin} [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now