Piece Six

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Trying to avoid Luna wasn’t a plan that was working out for me, about two thirds of my lessons were with her. And she made it a point to sit next to me and write me stupid notes in her curly handwriting. I scrunched up the latest note and threw it at Luna’s head, she dodged it and it missed her but hit the teacher instead. Oh, fuck. Mrs Collins squinted at the scrunched up piece of paper that had bounced off her head and had landed in front of her. She picked it up and unravelled it. “So, miss Mavis, miss Clark, do you want me to read this out loud?” I shook my head furiously, Luna was nodding. I hit her over the back of the head and she looked back at me and mouthed “what?” with a smirk on her face. I put my head in my hands as my English Literature teacher cleared her throat. “Come on, stop ignoring me Jenna! Just tell me if Niall’s a good kisser.” The class laughed and I groaned. I looked at Luna who had an evil little grin on her face. “Happy now?” I whispered to her, she answered with a simple nod of the head. “Well, I don’t think this has got much to do with English, do you?” Mrs Collins looked over her half-moon glasses with a glare at us. “No, Mrs Collins.” Luna and I answered in unison.

            “Mavis! Hold up.” A black, dark haired girl walked up to me. She was chubby, in a cute way and her makeup was perfectly applied. “Hi.” I said holding my arms around my body, keeping a distance. “So, you and Niall are dating?” she asked, I didn’t like her attitude, one single bit. “No, we’re not. But I don’t really think that’s any of your business.” It came out harsher than I’d intended it to but I didn’t regret it. She shrugged. “If I want to make it my business, it’s my business. Stay away from him.” She turned on the spot and walked away, leaving me behind standing there with an open mouth. “Who was that?” I asked Luna, who had been watching the whole thing with a bemused expression on her face. “Lorraine Hicks aka Niall’s only one true love, not that he knows it.” She laughed and hooked her arm in mine so she could drag me off. “Oh.” Is all I had to say, but my brain was doing overtime. Just because of Luna’s note, everyone seemed to think Niall and I are an item. But we aren’t, and he’s way out of my league anyway.  

            One more minute and I would be free from the agonizingly boring History lesson. I watched the clock as the seconds ticked past and completed the circle. It took a few seconds longer for the bell to ring, but finally the shrill sound cascaded around the school. Everyone got up and packed away their things as quick as possible and I wasn’t about to disagree. After the long Monday it was time for some relaxation in the form of, well, homework. I sighed, so much for a break. I walked over to Luna as we were leaving the classroom. “Homework, because seven hours of lessons every day isn’t enough.” She nodded and threw her hands in the air “Fuck the system, I’m not doing anything tonight.” I laughed. “I bet younever do anything.” She looked offended and shoved me. “Look who’s talking!” We tried to look at each other seriously but failed as we both spontaneously burst into laughter. The hall was pretty much empty by the time we actually got to her locker. “Well bye, see you tomorrow.” I said walking towards my own locker. Unlike Luna, I was going to do my homework I didn’t like it but it needed to be done because I wasn’t going to fail my year, no way in hell. “Hey.” Harry laid a hand on my back, his fingers spread out. I caught my breath because of the sudden action. “Hi.” I turned a little, so I was facing him. His hand disappeared from my back and he smiled. “I heard the rumours.” I shrugged. “It seems like everyone has.” Harry nodded, his expression unreadable. I wasn’t very good at reading faces though, so it wasn’t surprising. “I just need a few things from my locker.” I said strolling off, not waiting for an answer. I could hear footsteps behind me, which indicated that he was following me. After I opened my locker and took the things out that I needed I turned around. Harry was standing there, with his iPhone in his hands, looking at something with a frown on his face. “What’s up?” I asked craning my neck, to see if I could read whatever it was that Harry was looking at. He made a spastic movement and hid his phone in the process. “Uh.. Oh, nothing.” His eyes were wide, trying to look innocent. This was very suspicious but I wasn’t going to annoy him about it if he was already doing such an effort to hide something from me. “Okay,” I left it alone for what it was “are we going?” He nodded and smiled which formed a little dimple in his chin. We walked out of school. I had a sudden urge to poke his dimple and without realizing my arm stretched out to reach the tall boy’s face. “What are you doing?” Harry asked half laughing. “Oh, I don’t know…” I grinned. “This!” I shouted and I tried to poke his dimple but he dodged me and grabbed my wrist. “No-oh you didn’t! Nobody touches the dimple. Or the curls.” I giggled. “Okay, okay… I’ll stop.” I tried to sound as convincing as possible. Harry let go of my wrists and I lunged forwards shouting “Right after I do this!” An unsuspecting Harry almost fell on the floor, but I managed to poke his dimple and run my hands through his soft curly hair. “Ha! I win.” I punched the air and did a little victory dance while Harry recovered from shock. “Not fair.” Harry pouted and looked at me with the most adorable face.  I put on a baby voice “Aw, poor Hazz. I’m sorry.” He looked a lot happier after that and I laughed. “Are you walking home?” he asked, and I nodded. “Bye then.” He nodded to a bike chained  to a lamppost a little further up. “Okay, see you.” I answered. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it for a second and then walked towards his pushbike. I kept on walking and watched as Harry disappeared, cycling down the road. 

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