Piece Twelve

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Thursday melted into Friday which turned into Saturday morning with no communication from Luna and most of my time spent with Cam, Louis’ girlfriend. Right now I was standing in front of my wardrobe, looking at all of the clothes I owned. This was helpless. I had NOTHING to wear. If you didn’t count endless supplies of jeans, T-shirts and jumpers of course. No dresses, skirts or fancy things at all, nothing to make me even a little attractive. Groaning I let myself fall onto my bed just as my mother walked past. “Are you okay, honey?” She asked coming in. “No.” I groaned and rolled over so I could hide my face in my pillows. “What’s up?” She asked, sitting down next to me. “Nothing. To. Wear.” It came out muffled and in tufts because I had to keep lifting my head from the pillows to speak. I looked at her, she had a smile on her face. “Okay, why don’t we go shopping then?” I rolled my eyes. “With what money?” I asked, Mum didn’t exactly earn very much money because she didn’t have a full time job because she had spent her time homeschooling me. “I got a job.” She said, lifting her chin up proudly. “What?!” I practically shouted, “Mum that’s so awesome!” I said, really happy for her –and me because this meant we –I- would finally have some money to spend on things. “I know! So are you coming or?” She said standing up and walking out of my room. I immediately followed suit and put my coat on in the hall grabbing my phone and purse along the way.

“I’m not sure it’s your color, the shape is nice though!” It was about the fifth dress I’d tried on in this shop, mum criticizing every single one but still telling me I looked beautiful in each one so I wouldn’t feel bad about this. I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself in the frilly dress. The girl in the mirror looked like a completely different person. I turned and looked at myself in every possible way, craning my neck to look in the mirror behind me. “I think you’re right.” I sighed and closed the curtain of the changing room. I started stripping off the dress until I was standing half naked in just my underwear and bra. I always felt self-conscious in shops. Quickly I took the next dress off its clothes hanger and stepped into it. “Can you help me zip it up?” I asked taking my hair in my hand and holding it away from my back, which faced my mother. She softly tugged the zip up and made me turn around to face her. She caught her breath. “This is the one, honey.” She said, her eyes started brimming with tears as she looked at me. I was alarmed by her reaction, could I really reduce my mum to tears? Was it really that bad?” I slowly turned around and looked at myself in the mirror. The turquoise dress I had on had one off the shoulder sleeve and one normal sleeve, the soft fabric tumbled out around my waist. I looked at the girl in the mirror, her mouth was slightly open, her eyes wide and she looked really pretty. Only after a moment I realized that girl was me. I couldn’t take in the way I looked in this dress, I quickly spun around and looked at my back in the mirror, I looked a lot slimmer than normal in the dress. I turned my head to look over to my mum and nodded at her, meaning I wanted this dress to go to Harry’s tonight. It might be a little excessive but I couldn’t help myself feeling like a princess. I had this strange feeling I might be going to see my prince tonight, not that I had any idea who that was. The feeling confused me, but I liked it in a way.

After going through to a shoe shop we went home and I got ready for the get together at Harry’s. I was just brushing my hair out when Mum walked into my room. She was holding something. She came over to me and brushed my hair to one side, her hands spread out in front of me revealing a pretty little necklace that she then fastened around my neck. The pendant was a little crystal teardrop, it’s facets glistening in the light when I moved it. Touching it I turned around to my mother. “Thank you, it’s beautiful Mum.” I said to her. She nodded and smiled, a little sad. I stood up and hugged her. “I love you, honey.” She whispered. I let go of her. “I love you, too.” I said. By the time I left my house it was nine pm and I was being picked up by Niall like he’d suggested at school. As I saw his black Range Rover gliding towards me along the road I nervously stroked my hands over my dress. Was it even appropriate? I didn’t have a clue, Cam hadn’t said anything about the party. Niall got out the car after he parked it in front of me and walked over to me. When his gaze fell on me his mouth opened slightly. “Whoa.” He said looking at me from head to toe. “You look, wow- I mean… You look amazing Jenna.” He finished, his cheeks and ears turning red. I felt myself going slightly red as well. “Thanks.” I mumbled, looking away from those piercing blue eyes. Niall came closer and then stuck his arm out. “My lady.” He said in what was supposed to be a posh accent but sounded more like someone with something stuck up their- “Why thank you.” I said in an equally disturbing voice, taking his arm so he could lead me to his car. He opened the door for me and waited for me to get in before closing it again. Getting in on the driver’s side we set off to Harry’s house. 

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