Old Friends

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Rosalie's POV
After what happened I decided to call my old friends for help. They were always there for me when I needed them most. Before I fell asleep last night, I texted all of them and we all decided to meet up today and I asked my father. "Of course, as long as you girls behave" Slenderman told me. I answered while rolling my eyes," yes father. And when have we ever not behaved" I tried holding in my laughter when I remembered the prank we pulled on my dad and my uncles. "Mhm" he said while walking to his office.

~2 hours later~

Rosalie's POV

After waiting for a long time, I heard the doorbell ring. I ran as quickly as I could down the stairs and open the door to reveal my old friends. "Hey guys!!" I cheered as I saw all of them. They all looked at me and smiled brightly while saying cheerfully, "hey Rosalie/master!" As they all walked in I gave them hugs. As soon as I closed the door, Vivian hugged me tightly while

saying,"how is my master doing! I hope you have been eating healthy and exercising a lot!" I rolled my eyes playfully and hugged her back while saying," yes Vivian I have been, and how has your training been

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saying,"how is my master doing! I hope you have been eating healthy and exercising a lot!" I rolled my eyes playfully and hugged her back while saying," yes Vivian I have been, and how has your training been." That's when she looked at me and said," yes master, I have even become stronger than I was in the past!" I smiled and ruffled her hair. I went up to Doll Face

and hugged her while saying," how has the freak show been?" She smiled and said to me," fantastic!! We have been having a lot more people coming to see it now!" I smiled and said," that's great Doll

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and hugged her while saying," how has the freak show been?" She smiled and said to me," fantastic!! We have been having a lot more people coming to see it now!" I smiled and said," that's great Doll. Keep up the good work!" The last person I considered as my mother since I didn't have one... my mother was killed when I was only 7 and was the Queen of Wolf Demons. I hugged her,"...hey Julia" I said quietly.

She hugged me back and said in her sweet, calming voice," hey Rosalie, I'm guessing you had an important reason to call us all here

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She hugged me back and said in her sweet, calming voice," hey Rosalie, I'm guessing you had an important reason to call us all here." I stepped back and nodded, but before I could explain, Laughing Jack, my father, and the Bloody Painter came downstairs and saw all of us. My father was the first to speak," hello there, it's good to see you all again and that you're well." All of my friends bowed to him and that's when LJ walked up to Doll Face while saying, "hey, my name's Laughing Jack, what's yours?" She looked at him since she was the same height as him and said," the name's Doll Face, also the boss at my freak show." He smiled and said while walking away," we should get to know each other", and that's when he disappeared into a cloud of smoke. That's when Bloody Painter came up to Vivian and asked," who might you be?" She looked a little nervous since she never talked to a lot of people, and said in a shy voice," m-my name is V-Vivian and I'm R-Rosalie's demon pet..." "well it was nice meeting you, and your name is very lovely", he said while walking away and Vivian was starting to blush. That's when Julia went up to my dad and bowed while saying," it is nice seeing you again sir, but we would like to spend time with our friend." He bowed back and walked away and we all went upstairs and into my room and I closed the door and locked it and we all sat on my bed.
"So Rosalie, why'd you call us over saying it's an emergency?" Julia said. I looked at her with sad eyes and said in a quiet voice," it happened, I lost control..." They all looked at me with sad eyes and hugged me while saying in unison," we're sorry Rosalie..." After awhile of hugging we all decided that I need to try to not think about it. After awhile of talking they had to leave. We all said our goodbyes and they left and I closed the door and sat on the couch by myself and teleported to my room and fell asleep.

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