The anniversary...

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Rosalie's POV

Today is the day... my mother's death. I decided to go back to go see her like I did every year. I grabbed a backpack and put my gun, knife, katana, and throwing knives. I zipped it up and slowly went to my closet and grabbed my combat boots, jeans, a white shirt, black flannel and white socks. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my backpack and went downstairs and went into the kitchen and grabbed a few apples, bananas, and made a tuna sandwich, I wrapped up the sandwich and put them in the medium sized pocket of my back pack. I saw Jeff come downstairs and asked in a worried voice, " hey Rose, where are you going?" I looked at him and said with a sad voice, " this was the day my mother was killed, I'm going to go see her..." He looked at me and gently grabbed my hand and asked in a soft voice," can I come with you?" I smile at him and said," of course" he smiled and walked out of the mansion with me

Ben's POV

I was watching as Rosalie and Jeff hold hands as they left and teleported somewhere, ' I need to follow them'
I went through the TV in search to see if either Jeff or Rosalie brought an electronic. I smiled when I saw that Rosalie had her phone. I quickly went through it and hid behind a tree as I saw her and Jeff looking down at something, 'what are they looking at? I need to get closer' But suddenly, I heard a sob, I quickly looked over and saw Rosalie was crying! I've never seen her cry before... she looked so heart broken. I quickly teleported to a sturdy branch near them and realized what they were looking at... it was a grave. ' why is it so important to make Rosalie so sad..?' That's when I saw her put two roses on it, a black rose and a white rose. That's when they teleported, most likely back to the mansion and I teleported in front of the grave and my eyes widen when I read what was on it, "Here lies the leader of the Wolf Demon Clan and a very kind mother and wife- Julianna Van Phantom"
That must've been Rosalie's mother... but how did she... die? I quickly went back to the mansion and saw Rosalie on the couch and I went up to her and asked," hey Rosalie, can I ask you a few things about yourself?" She looked at me and smiles slightly and said," okay what do you want to know?" I looked down and asked her about the Wolf Demon Clan. "Well, Ben the Clan had been around for over thousands of years. And the leader always had to protect the rest and would fight until the end. My mother's family was the bloodline for all leaders. Since I'm her daughter, I'm now the leader... if the clan wasn't destroyed that is..." I looked at her sadly and asked in a hesitant voice,"what happen to your mother, Rosalie?" She looked at the ground sadly and told me that lord Zalgo tore her heart out when she was his true target. I felt sad for her. She saw her mother die when she was only 7 years old. I smiled kindly at her and said in a gentle voice,"I'm sure she's watching you now, making sure you're happy and successful." She smiled back and said thank you and stood up from the couch and walked up the stairs. I sighed and shrunk into the couch and played my video games.

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