12 Goodbye.

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Y/N: I'm leaving now. Do u want any thing????

Y/N: come on text me back.

Dean: Pie. 😊

Y/N: Ok.

Dean: Bur save it for me. I got a lead in a hunt. I'll be home in 2 to c ur beautiful face

Y/N: Sweet. Ok. Goodbye.

Dean: Goodbye.


Dean left about a month ago and he hasn't returned. You and Sam are so scared. He hasn't called text anything. But one day you got a text from the live of your life.

Dean: I love you so much Y/N. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. You are my everything. I don't know how I'll never see your beautiful face again. I love you with all my heart. Don't give, find someone else. Don't greave over me. If you do find me I'm most likely dead or close to it. Tell Sammy that I love him. Tell him that I'm sorry for bringing him into the fight. Tell him not to bring me back.


"Sammy?" You yelled out as you read the text from the love of your life.

"Yep?" He popped the p. You handed your phone over to him. He read the text.

"Can you track it?" He nodded his head yes.

It took some time but Sam found where I'd phone is. He's in Lawrence Kanas. He told himself that he was never going back there ever. Well he's there now. You and Sam hopped in the impala and drove to Lawrence.


AN. If I ever mix up and say 'I' instead of 'you' please tell me. Tell me how you like the book so far. I don't now how long I'll go till but I'll let you know. I'll try and update later on in the week.

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