13 I Got You.

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Dean POV

I was tied to a chair. My legs where burning from the cuts. "Son of a BITCH!" I yelled out in agony. I was bleeding and I was hurt. I wanted out of this chair. It's bin a month and I want to see Y/N. I want to see how her H/C H/L hair falls over her face. I want to see her E/C shining in the moon light. I just want to touch her soft skin again. The door opened to reveal the one and only Marcel. "Fuck you. I will never say yes to your deal!" He back handed me. He pulled out a long knife and cut my stomach.

"Well, then. If you won't say yes then I'll just have some fun." He cut my leg. I bit my tongue not to scream. The door opened to reveal Sammy and Y/N. Y/N was holding the demon knife and Sam was holding a gun. Sam shot the gun. The demon grinned. She tried to take a step but couldn't move. The devil's trap carved into the bullet. Y/N came up and knifed the bitch. There was a flicker of orange light. The demon fell to the floor. She ran over to me. She cut the rope around my wrists and feet. She cupped my face and kissed me. I kissed back. He lips where soft on mine.

Your POV

After you found, or should you say Sam and you found Dean tied to a chair in an abandoned building you kissed him. You haven't touched him in about a month. You haven't felt his soft but also ruff lips against yours. You missed his smell of gun powder, whisky, and cinnamon. He didn't smell like that when you hugged him. He smelt like blood and vomit. You didn't care right now. All you wanted was to hold him and never let go. You helped Sam take take Dean out to the car. He passed out in your arms.

"I love you with all my heart Dean. You better pull through I have no clue what I would do." You where now sitting in the back of the impala. Sam was spreading down the road.

"Y/N, he's going to be fine. He's a trooper. I'll call Cas and he'll heal him." Tears where streaming down my flushed cheeks.

"Cas please, Dean is hurt and I need you to come heal him. Dot his for me." With that Cas appears beside me. He pressed his two fingers into the love of your life's head. "Thank you." He nodded his head and disappeared. You let out a breath that you where holding in. Sam looked at you and Dean. Dean was still sleeping in your lap. You where tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear. You pressed a light kiss to his temple. Sam watched you carefully in the rear view mirror. You whipped off some dirt that was on his face. You felt his light breath come out of his mouth. You closed your eyes and you fell asleep to the slight motions of the road and the sound of the impala.


I she. So much on my plate right now. If I don't update in the next two months I have a big essay due and a two speeches and a backboard. Then I have the heritage fair say to present all I it to the public. Then I have genus hour. For that I have to look something up and break it down and present it. For mine I picked three mythes to do. Yay. Then I have two big science projects due and art one also a PAA one. Life is over flowing with school work. Please be understanding about this. I hate all my teaches and I candy this any longer. All I want to do is wright and not do school work. I'm so glad that I only have five more months left of school. Oh and my report cards come out in Tuesday. I don't know what it like in your school but in mine we get a report card in November then at the en of January. Ya. If o don't get good grades I'm going to die. Wish me luck on all of my shit that is due. See you as soon as I can.

Robyn Marie Strickland.

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