Chapter 1

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A strawberry-blonde Romanian, known as Vladimir Popescu, woke up in a mysterious dark forest with an odd purple fog and dark sky. Beside him was another man whom he did not know. Vladimir scanned the man with his ruby colored eyes. This man had short black hair and wore a dress shirt with a hoodie that had the colors of, what he believed was, the Bulgarian flag. This man groaned, and opened his eyes. 

"Where am I?" the man mumbled. The dark haired looked at the Romanian. "Who are you?" He had fear in both his emerald eyes and voice.

"Me? I'm Vladimir Popescu. Where we are? I wish I knew," Vladimir replied. "You can call me Vlad for short if you want." The assumed-to-be Bulgarian man nodded and noticeably relaxed. 

"It's nice to meet you Vlad. I'm Dimitri Aleksandrov," Dimitri said, looking around. He sighed. "This place is creepy, and I can't remember anything." 

"I know right? I don't remember anything either, but we should leave this place as soon as we can." Vladimir got up, and dusted himself off. Dimitri got up with him. 

"You don't mind if I join you, do you?" Dimitri asked shyly. 

"Not at all!" Vladimir shot him a nice smile, showing off his fangs. The Bulgarian's face went a bit pale. The strawberry blonde gave him a confused face, before he remembered he had suspicious fangs. "Nu nu nu, I'm not what you think I am I swear I'm a normal human being!" he assured. "As a kid I got punched in the face by this jerk and she broke my teeth! I swear!" Dimitri looked at him with slight disbelief, and shook his head. 

"Ok, I believe you," he said. Vladimir gave him an odd look before lightly chuckling.

"But you shook your head." Realization hit Dimitri. Vladimir wasn't from Bulgaria.

"Oh! I'm from Bulgaria, and there we shake our head to mean yes and nod to mean no!" he explained. 

"Really? That's interesting." Vlad smiles and walks in a random direction. Dimitri followed right after him. 

"Do you know where we're going?" the Bulgarian asked.

"Nope," the Romanian replied. "I'm just following my instincts. There is a magical presence coming from this direction." Dimitri went with it.  He wasn't a firm believer in magic, but Vladimir was the only thing he could trust right now.

"Uh, okay then. If you say so." The further they walked into these odd woods, the stranger it got. Where ever they were, Dimitri was positive that they weren't on Earth. The trees seemed more like they were pure black, the purple fog got thicker, and the sky wasn't visible. What scared him the most was the constant feeling of being watched. He didn't like it one bit. He wanted to go home as soon as he could. 

"Do you believe in magic?" Vladimir asked suddenly, scaring Dimitri.

"Well, no, not really. I don't have a reason to," he replied, still looking around. 

"You will soon." The Bulgarian gave him and odd look before screaming as he was pinned to the ground by Vladimir.  A blue fire ball passed right over them. In front of them was black figure with what seemed to be two heads from little girls, and claws with dried-up blood on them. The creature gave a distorted giggle, and got closer to them. The two men got up as fast as possible. before running as fast as they could. The Romanian looked behind them every once and a while. The creature ran just as fast as them, if not, faster. Vladimir muttered some Latin under his breath and cast fire attacks back at the creature, delaying it from hurting them. Dimitri didn't question it, focusing more on the task at hand. He wanted to help, but he couldn't.

After a while, Vladimir had hurt the monster bad enough to run away.

"Do you believe in magic now?" Vladimir asked in-between breaths. 

"Да(*), I do now," Dimitri answered. The two leaned against the pitch-black tree as they caught their breaths. "I see a light." 

"Wait what? Don't die now!" Vladimir cried. He looked hurt that he would have to be alone. 

"No no," Dimitri nodded his head, "there's a light, right there!" He pointed towards the dim light.  Vlad lightly laughed at himself. Dimitri laughed with him. 

"Silly me! Anyways, we should be careful as we go towards it. Hopefully it's a way out of this twisted forest," the strawberry blonde said. The other shook his head and they carefully walked towards it.


*Bulgarian for yes. Prounounced like da (dah).

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I worked hard on it. I didn't know what to put for Bulgaria's human name, since he doesn't have an official one. I usually use Aleksander but my friends said that Dimitri was probably a better one. Therefore, I decided Dimitri Aleksandrov was a good name for him. 

Romania doesn't have an official human name either but about everyone uses Vladimir Popescu, and I'm used to using it a lot. 

Thank you for reading!


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