Chapter 3

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A young boy with tear-streaked cheeks looked out his bedroom window at his brother's house. "Big brother," he mumbled, letting a few more tears drop. 

"Moldova, I'm sure he's fine," A certain tall, sliver-haired Russian assured. The little boy simply nodded. 

The human personifications of Romania and Bulgaria, known as Vladimir Popescu and Dimitri Aleksandrov to a common mortal, had mysteriously went missing without a trace. Without them, the countries of Romania and Bulgaria haven't been doing too great at all. Failing economies, weather, and a series of unfortunate events continued to happen, one after another. Today there was a stabbing at a mall in Romania. 

"But I worry for him. What if he's not okay? What if he needs my help? What if these were all signals of where they are?" the young brunette asked. Russia smiled at him and pat his head.

"He must be on another world then!" the Russian joked. Moldova, however, was not joking, and took mental note of this. "We just sent out a bunch of search helicopters. He'll be fine" The child simply nodded. 

"Yes sir. What about Bulgaria though?" 

"He'll be okay. I bet he's helping your brother get out of whatever sticky situation he got himself into." The child nodded, and smiled a little. Russia's phone went off, and he dashed out of the room. Moldova got off his chair and pulled out one of Romania's recent spell journals. 

"A different world, huh?" he mumbled. Lucky for him, it was all in Romanian, a language Russia didn't fully speak yet. He scanned through it, hoping his older brother had been keeping track of what he's been doing for the magic club. "Here it is, the most recent one!" Russia was ending the conversation, so Moldova tore out the page and stuffed it in his pocket for later. He put the book back and sat back down. 

"I'm going to leave you home alone with the Baltics now, so be a good boy, okay?" Russia said. Moldova nodded, and the man left. The boy watched him drive off in the distance. The brunette boy ran down the stairs and unlocked the door to Romania's magic room. He overheard a conversation between his older brother and Bulgaria about where the key was to the room. He carefully stepped down the cold, grey stone stairs. 

"Please be down here big brother," the small child said quietly. He was replied with silence. He finally reached the magic room and gasped. The room was bare, except for where the potions were held. That side of the room was dripping with all the potions. Moldova made sure to stay very far from that part of the room. He wandered around the cold, bare room until he noticed something on the ground, Romania's small hat he always wore. He picked it up and heard Latvia calling for him. He dashed back up the stairs with his only piece of evidence. 

"Where ever you two are, big brother and Bulgaria, you sure aren't anywhere close to earth," Moldova thought as he made sure to lock up the room again.


Oh whoops sorry for such the late update. I got into the geography bee so I studied for two days straight. It didn't really do me any good. It was still fun though. I got into the top 10. 

Anyways, have a nice day! Stay tuned for more!

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