Chapter 4

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The bleeding had finally stopped and Vladimir had fallen into a deep sleep. Dimitri sat next to him, looking at the contents he had pulled from his  pockets. In his hand was a small bat charm, a rose petal, and butterscotch hard candy. He looked at the objects with fasination. "Maybe I can remember something, like Vlad did," he mumbled to himself. He sighed and stuffed the objects in his black slacks.
A scent of roses started to rise. "That can't be good, but it's the most relaxing thing I've experienced so far," the Bulgarian thought to himself. He looked around him, to see if there was a reasoning for this scent. Not a rose bush nearby, only blood red grass.
However, he was getting drowsy. "Не, не(*)" he said to himself. He needed to stay awake for Vladimir. After catching himself nodding off, he said saw the woman from before. She had a rather disappointed look on her face.
"Do you not like the scent of roses?" the woman asked. She started to lightly tug and play with a section of her long, messy, brown hair as if she was nervous. "I thought it might remind you of home and help you rest." Dimitri only stared at the woman. Dispite having no teeth, she spoke perfectly, and this bothered him greatly.
"No... It's nice," he finally said.
"Why don't you sleep?" Her head tilted a bit, allowing her eyes to be seen better. Dimitri tried his best to ignore the teeth and look at something else.
"Who knows what might attack next? I don't think either of us can afford to die." This statement made the woman look hurt.
"You don't trust me? I did warn you about the attacks earlier."
"The only person I trust here is Vladimir." The woman's gaze softened.
"Oh how cute!" She gave a distorted giggle. She then faded out in the air, along with the flowery scent. Dimitri gave a small sigh of relief.
"Dimi?" a sleepy voice asked. The nickname made the Bulgarian jump a bit. The nickname was oddly familiar.
"Um, yes?" he replied. He looked beside him and Vladimir was awake. There was a minute of silence before the Romanian realized what he said and started laughing.
"Dimi," he laughed a bit more, "Sorry, that nickname just popped in my head."
"Don't worry about it," the brunette replied. "You didn't sleep for very long, is everything ok?"
"Yup! I feel just fi-" Vladimir leaned a little too much on his wounded arm, causing him to yelp a bit and fall back down. "Well, almost everything is alright." This got a sigh of disapproval from Dimitri.
"Please, be more careful." The blonde nodded and got up more slowly. "That strange woman talked to me while you were asleep." This alarmed the Romanian. Dimitri explained the strange experience.
"I see. We should continue on, this isn't the safest spot to rest. She may be a possible ally, but things seem a little off with her." The brunette paused before nodding a "yes." The two stood up and continued walking through this nightmarish world.

*Bulgarian for "No, no."
Wow, it's been quite a while, huh? I decided to continue this story, despite not remembering too much where I was going with it. I think it still has a lot of potential in it. I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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