Chapter 2

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Vladimir and Dimitri carefully walked towards the light, hoping to find a way out. On the way there, the mysterious, purple fog thinned, and soon went away. Their wish was granted, and they made it out of the forest. On the downside, the forest seemed safer than this field they were greeted with. The grass here was blood red, the sky was pink, and there were two orange suns.

"Well, I guess it's less creepy than that fore-" Dimitri was interrupted by tripping. Vladimir gave a small chuckle, and helped him back up. The Romanian bent down to see what his newly-made friend had tripped on. 

"Something tells me that this place isn't any safer than that forest," he muttered as he pulled up a skull that looked like it came from a story book. Dimitri's face turned pale as a creature started to walk towards Vladimir. "Hey what's wro-" There was a creepy little girl smile. Vladimir turned around to be greeted with a woman as tall has him with dark hair, white skin, and teeth in her closed eyelids. He screamed and fell over, making the woman laugh. 

"You must be new," the woman said, and gave a tooth-less smile. Her teeth must have gone to her eyelids. 

"M-More importantly, where are we?" Dimitri asked. 

"It's coming again, so you better start running," she said, avoiding his question. She moon walked back into the forest and through a tree. The two stared in disbelief at what they just saw. Vladimir stood back up. 

"Well, you heard the girl, we better get moving," he said, sighing. Dimitri nodded, and walked on, careful with his step. Vladimir followed him, preparing another spell. 

"Do you think you could teach me how to do that? I feel defenseless, and I can't help you when fighting," he asked, his eyes watching Vladimir's hand. 

"Nu(*), I don't think I could, but we should find you a weapon soon," he replied, looking around. Dimitri pulled up a big bone. 

"I wonder if I could use this for the moment," he muttered to himself. 

"I'm afraid it would get in the way of running, but I suppose it would work." The strawberry blonde dug through his pants pockets for a mini book he remembered he usually had, but instead found a locket. He pulled it out, making Dimitri look over. "I don't remember ever having this." Vladimir opened the locket and saw a picture of a little boy with brown hair, with two pieces of hair sticking out on each side of his head, grey eyes, and a smile with two fangs. Memories flowed through him, followed with a painful headache, he fell to the ground. 

"Vlad? Are you okay?" Dimitri asked, sitting next to him. After a few breaths, Vladimir looked at him. 

"This is my little brother," he held up the picture to show the Bulgarian, "his name is Aurel! We've got to go back as soon as possible! He must be so worried!" Dimitri shook his head, confusing Vladimir for a few seconds, and stood up to offer him a hand. Vlad politely took it, and stood back up. 

"Mulțumesc(**)," he thanked. 

"My pleasure." Dimitri kept walking with him, wondering why he hasn't gotten any memories yet. It worried him a little. 

After an hour of walking, a horn started playing. They stopped dead in their tracks and looked at each other. There was no way this was good. On both sides, armies were charging towards each other. They did their best to run, but it wasn't working very well. There seemed to almost be an infinite number of them, the field seemed like it went on forever and ever, and they were getting closer and closer. Neither one of them knew what to do, so they both just crouched down and prepared for impact, closing their eyes. Once they both felt none, they opened their eyes, to see that the soldiers were attacking right over them, as if they weren't there. Dimitri crawled underneath them, hoping to find a way to escape. Vladimir followed right after him, prepared to attack if needed. Dimitri had two dead monster-like soldiers fall on him and Vladimir almost got hit with an arrow.

After a few minutes of crawling they did find a way out and they stood up, dusting off what they could. Some blood got on their clothes, probably staining them forever.  They then tried to walk off, but on of the soldiers noticed them, and tried to attack Vladimir. He screeched, since the man had barely missed him, and shot his magic attack, killing the man instantly. Another soldier from behind noticed, and hit Vlad's shoulder. He screamed in pain, and ran with Dimitri, who forced him to run. The entire army started chasing them. Dimitri dug through his pockets and found a lighter. He didn't know why it was there, and he didn't care either. He set the red grass on fire, which caught on very quickly, starting a huge fire towards the army. The army screamed in pain, unable to bear it. Dimitri laughed to himself and ran with Vlad until they were safe. 

Or until Vladimir fell to the ground panting. 

His shoulder wound was really bad. Dimitri sat next to him and took a close look. He sighed. "That soldier got you good." 

"You don't say," he muttered. His red eyes looked at Dimitri with worry. The raven haired man took off his hooded sweater, taking out everything from the pockets, and wrapped it tightly around the Romanian's shoulder. "That's all we can do for now." Vladimir sighed. 

"I'm sorry," he said, starting to cry. 

"Don't apologize, I didn't see the guy either." Dimitri bit his lip. The Bulgarian pulled him into a tight hug, wishing he'd stop already. Vladimir was muttering in Romanian. Dimitri sighed and stayed with him until he calmed down.

From afar, the tooth lady seemed to be able to see what was going on. She lightly laughed to herself. 

"You should take my warnings more seriously."


*Romanian for no. Pronounced: (N-ooh)

**Romanian for thank you. Pronounced (Mooltz-oo-mehsc)

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