This is us 5

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The boy sat by Millie. She scooted over quickly moving her hand. The boy looked at her as he started to lift his hand. She moved her head trying to hide the fact she didn't want her wig off but the boy didn't care.

"It's fine, my sister wears fake hair all the time, and next time make the lining right when you try to attempt to make a wig look like your real hair." He said slowly removing the wig.

Millie was shy because of her hair.

"I'm sorry, you're just the second boy that saved me from having an attack on the streets."

"Is fine." He said running his hand through her hair.

"Okay. Stop it. I'm not a dog. Lol." She said ducking.

"Right, sorry. I'm Caleb by the way."


She grabbed his hand and shook it. Caleb attempted to help her up but Millie wouldn't allow it.

"I'm fine. I can help myself." She said. Just when she thought she had herself she slipped on a rock and hit her nose. "Aaaah." Millie saw blood. Something else she was afraid of.

"Are you ok?" Caleb quickly helped Millie sit up.

"I'm fine. Can you stop? I'm just sorry."

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