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the drive to wherever we were going was an eternity for me. i bit back my lip to hold back my cries but sometimes a few sniffles escaped. the only i could think about was who were these people and what were they going to do with me? one of them established that they can't kill me, but what if they change their mind?

the truck stops and i hear foot steps all around me. i feel my arm being yanked again by someone and i know i'm out the truck when i feel the wind blow against my skin. the ended up tying my hands together when we were in the truck, because one of them complained about holding my hands too long.

we're moving again and this time into a building. i hear the door close behind us.

"wilk, take her to the basement and i'll get nate." gilisnky instructs and i feel myself  being handled again.

after a bit of walk, i'm being pushed through a door. i trip on my way, but gain my composure.

"jesus, wilk," a voice i've never heard before says. this one is more gentler than the other guys i've heard. "at least unblind fold the girl, damn."

"then she's gonna see."

"duh, dumbass that's the point." he scoffs and i hear a smack. soon enough the bandana is being untied from around my eyes and finally sight is gifted to me. i am met with a blonde boy in front of me, holding the bandana in his hand. he takes the other one out my mouth as well.

"hi." he says.

i furrow my eyebrows, scrunching my face together. the only light there is, is the bright one coming from the hallway so i was slightly able to see them and what was around me.

"i'm johnson." he says to me again, smiling this time.

"dude, what the fuck are you doing?" another yells.

"i'm being polite." the blonde boy shrugged.

"we're not polite to our kidnappers." he narrows his eyes. "and she doesn't need to know our names."

i know half of their names now, but i decide not to say anything at this moment.

"well sorry my mom taught me manners." johnson raised his hands up in defense. he stands up. he rolls his eyes and pulls johnson out the room, slamming the door behind him.

the room was dark, the floor was extremely hard- made of concrete just as the walls were. i could tell this room was barely used. theres no way out, its just one big empty room.

i hear thudding above me.

i'm trying to stay as calm as i can, but inside, i'm truly freaking out.

what about my mom? my dad? melissa? even my little sister, lily, who annoys the shit out of me?

i want to cry, but i can't. my body's not allowing me. because yanno, momma aint raise no bitch... even in moments like this.

my wrists were starting to hurt from being bound together for so long. more thudding comes from upstairs and i somewhat hear voices. i think they're shouting at each other. the next, it's all quiet and that scares me.

the door in front of me creaks and i snap my head in the direction of it. it's a guy. he was dressed more casually than the other boys who kidnapped me. this one was wearing a plan striped t-shirt and ripped jeans with low cuts vans. his hair was pulled up into a messy man-bun.  in a way, he was attractive, just like the rest of the guys. i'm starting to think this gang was one just for hot people.

"so you're the one causing all this uprising in my gang?" he smirks at me, looking me up and down. i don't say anything and he circles around me, he ends up back in front of me, standing in front of the light. he must be the nate they keep bringing up. "what's your name?" he asks me and yet i don't speak again. i just stare at him. "not a speaker huh?"

we end up having a stare off, making me really uncomfortable but i don't show it. i hear footsteps and i see johnson appear behind 'nate' with a folder in his hand.

"this is everything i could find." he says, handing it over to him.

nate smirks at me as he opens the file. "let's see here..." he scans the papers in his hand. "genevieve renée rodriguez." my eyes widened as my he reads off my full name. "birthday is june first, nineteen ninety-eight... blah blah blah." he continues to read. he stops, he smirks and looks over at me again. "you were suspended in high school for hacking into the system and changing your grades?" he chuckles, "so you're good with computers? we might have a use for you after all."

i furrow my eyebrows.

"johnson usually handles all the computer stuff, but i think we can find a spot for you on the team." he smiles smugly at me.

"and what if i don't want to?" i finally speak up.

"so it speaks," he raised his eyebrows. nate opens up the file again. "alessia rodriguez, james rodriguez, and little lilian rodriguez. sounds like quite the family you got there, genevieve, interesting name if i might add."

"don't touch them." i bark. "please just let me go. i promise i won't say anything." i beg nate.

"oh, well if you promise not to say anything!" he spits sarcastically. "do you really think i'm that stupid? you've witnessed way too much. you've recorded us, saw us, hell you even know our names. in most cases, that would get you killed."

"so what do you want with me?" i basically yell at him. "just kill me already!" i say even though i really don't want to die.

"we don't kill innocent people for no reason, babe." nate says as if i'm a child who can't comprehend well.

"you killed all those people at the bank." i raised my eyebrows.

"like i said, we don't kill people for no reason." he winks at me. "you've got yourself a pretty face, rodriguez; wouldn't want it to go to waste." he trails his finger down my chin, winking again. he turns on his heels and walks away, signaling the blonde to follow with him.

"welcome to the gang." johnson says to me before shutting the door, leaving me all alone in this dark room again.

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