6. Host club, Yuu, Friends Last Part

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     The mood was awkward around the hostclub and the 3 friends. Everyone was sitting at the spacious living room each having a cup of tea in their hands. The quietness was broken by Luke who was grabbing a controller and turning on the flatscreen T.V. On the it, it showed some kind of game that was flashing with lights, bouncing balls, and an upbeat music. Lukes hand were moving fast with his eyes gleaming totally different from his usual laziness which unnerved the hostclub a bit. Everyone was mesmerized by the game and no one noticed Haruhi slipping away.

     Nearing the end they were interrupted by loud bangings and crashes comming from upstairs. Everyone curious tirned and saw that it was Yuu dragging a glaring Haruhi by her wrists. Now everyone saw the glare in Yuu's eyes that had pure anger in them. "HARUHI!" Yuu shouted pushing her into the wall, "why the hell did.you.do.that!"
     "I did nothing!" Harhui screamed back, "do you have evidence?"
     "Shut the fuck up. To answer your question I have security cameras in every corner of my work room." He said in a calm tone but you coulds clearly see the anger he was radiating.
     "So what if I did, you could just make it again." Haruhi said crossing her arms with a bit of a smirk. Yuu's already anger had now spiked up and reached it's peak making him punch right above Haruhi's head making a dent in the wall. Seeing Yuu almost hit his precious daughter Tamaki ran and hugged Harhui pushing Yuu away. "Don't hit my daughter she did nothing wrong!" He screached then comforted Harhui seeing if she was okay.
     "Yeah I'm pretty sure you will say that after I show you this video." Yuu said reaching for the T.V. remote showing a video on the screen.

     The video showed a brown haired boy, which was clearly Haruhi, making its way into the room and grabbing a pair of scissors. Them she seemed to be looking around untill she finally saw a mannequin that had a peice of white cloth covering it. Uncovering the cloth you could see a beautiful wedding dress far more elegant tjan any of them had seen. Then they saw Harhu taking the pair of scissors, stabbing, cutting, and ripping the dress with all her might. Then came in Yuu, calmly walking in until he saw Harhui destroying his work. Then they saw Yuu prying off Haruhi from the now ruined dress that was laying on the ground.

     When the video was over everyone was speechless. Slowly everyone looked at Harhui that was now trying to make herself smaller. "Sorry for yelling at you but can't you make another dress thats the same?" Tamaki asked looking sorry.
     "I can't" Yuu said in barely a whisper.
     "Huh?" The hostclub minus Harhi said now looking up. What they saw kind of surprised them. Yuu had tears in his eyes but they weren't dripping.
     "I said I can't. It's moms wedding dress I made for over 7 years. It's one of a kind and it's the only link that I have that relates to my mom. I would try to fix it if it wasn't so damaged but it's useless now. Every bit of hardwork I did is now gone. I... it's gone and I can't make it again." Yuu's voice was now wavering and tears were pouring out of his eyes now matter how he tried to hold it back. Calmning down he went back upstairs.

     "You should leave. And don't ever come back especially you." Luke said in a menacing voice staring at Harhui surprising everyone.
     "Go. You just caused problems by being here so just go. And I'm pretty sure your little princess would not want to face our wrath right now seeing that she's shivering as if she's the victim." Rose said with a glare thay could kill them, next to her was a smirking Rai that said "Yeah just leave. If you don't we could sue the girl right since she did damaged no destroy someone elses possession that will cost a few million dollars."
     At thag everyone pretty much was frozen scared, even the shadow king Kyoya and the ever expressionless Mori, making their way out lf the mansion. Whe they were out the Luke, Roses, and Rais menacing expression and auroras immediately disappeared, now replaces with worried ones.

'What should we do now? That the dress was very important to him.' They all thought.

A/N: Sorry I haven't been uploading any chapters I was so busy and tired with school and other things. I might be slower on the updates but I'll try to add more chapters even if it's short.

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