Guessing Game

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The next few weeks flew by for Stiles and Derek. Derek would pick Stiles up and drop him off every day to insure that Jackson didn't mess with him anymore.

It was so surreal for Stiles. He was so used to being the side kick, the one no one ever gave a second thought to and now here he is, possibly falling in love with this amazing guy. Derek made him feel so safe and protected all of the time. It may have only been a few weeks but Stiles felt like he'd known Derek all his life. He knew his favorite color, what books he liked, how many siblings he had,  why he hated certain foods, all there was to know basically. Granted, that was mostly because Stiles couldn't go more than five seconds without some form of communication.

Derek was extremely quiet, used to not really being heard because of his large family, but with Stiles he was open. He felt heard despite the fact that Stiles never shut up. He loved just sitting and listening to his voice and hearing him talk about his mom and holding him on the occasions he would get chocked up talking about her. There was just so much of him to love, it was impossible for him to not find every single one and just immerse himself into them and just be. That's what he loved most about Stiles. He listened, but he didn't push him to talk like everyone else. He was allowed to just be when he was with Stiles, he didn't have to force anything.

When Derek had asked Stiles to meet his parents, he was genuinely shocked. Sure, Derek had opened up to him a lot about them but they were still a bit of a rough subject for him for whatever reason.

"So...there's going to be this family thing tomorrow..." Derek had mentioned while they sat at Stiles doing their homework.

Stiles had looked up when he started talking, "Oh, so you won't be coming over? That's totally fine, no need to explain yourself." he was going to look back down at his starting back to it when Derek spoke again. 

"No, Stiles, I mean...if you want could come meet my parents?"

Derek had looked unsure of himself and even a little self conscious.

"Really?" Stiles asked this with surprise," Are you sure? Because, I mean, yeah I'd love to meet them but you just never really talk about them and they always seem like a tough subject for you. Are you sure you're ready for this? I won't rush you and I don't expect anything from you babe."

Derek smiled over at him, grabbing his hand, "Course I am, I want my family to meet the guy I'm in love with." Derek had whispered the last part but Stiles still heard him and immediately kissed him.

"I love you too, Der." He had mumbled against his lips, "so tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." Derek smiled and kissed him one more time before standing up, "Okay, I should go and let them know to expect you."

"For sure, Let me walk you out." They both gathered their things, Stiles just leaving his on the side of his bed, and began to walk down the stairs.

At the door they exchanged I loves you's and said their goodbyes before Derek drove off.

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