chapter -10

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let’s move on to story…
Abhi is smiling…
Pr; why are you smiling abhi..
Ab; chashmish… I am thinking about something that’s why..
Pr: about what?
Ab; my girl friend..
Pr; fuggi right?
Ab; yes how do you get that…
Pr; that’s chashmish.. abhi laughs..
Ab; ya that’s right… I hope you shoot and all works are over right..
Pr; yes.. now only post production works remain..
Ab; can I ask you one thing..
Pr; of course.. no need any permission..
Ab; in these life time.. that means till now.. don’t feel any special feeling to anyone..
Pr; special feelings are you talking about love..
Ab; yes..
Pr; actually I don’t feel love. But.. I like one person..
Ab; that is what called love..
Pr; no abhi there is really difference between like and love.. I like you.. but it doesn’t mean that I loves you.. abhis face get sad.. is I am right abhi..
Pr; I like one of my senior in my school.. actually I don’t see him.. but from the description what everyone gave and my teacher always spoke about him.. that description are enough to like him.. actually he is like a super hero for me.. everyone calls him as prem..
Ab; so that’s why you have that name your character right..
Pr; yes…
Ab; so you portrait your character as shalini… and you wish that the same thing happens in your life too..
Pr; I don’t actually thinks like this.. but one thing is right.. if I get a chance to have him in life.. I will really accept that..
Ab; oh really.. what’s this much specificality for him.. to whom you never been seen till now..
Pr; abhi… some relations are like that.. there will be some special connection with some person.. I too feel such a connection with him..
Ab; (who is this so called prem..??? If she met him.. as seen that he is unmarried there is chances for her to move on with him.. )
Pr; abhi.. what are you thinking are you thinking about me.. if prem happens to met with me.. what will I do..
Pr; yes.. I knew that..but don’t worry I will not go with him.. as I think I must give a chance to this relationship…
Ab: what??
Pr; yes this is what I wanted to talk with you… but..
Ab; k we can talk now..
Pr; your headache..
Ab; it’s k.. pragya gets up and move to balcony..
Pr; abhi… I think a lot.. as I have this feelings from the day our marriage get fixed that.. I am not doing right with you… as I get to knew about your decision too that thinking is making me restless.. as I decided to give a chance to this relationship…
Abhi turns pragya to his side by holding her hand..
Ab; chashmish are you serious..??? I have no problem.. you can take your own time..
Pr; no abhi.. I thinks a lot about this.. I want to knew your opinion..
Ab; my opinion…???
Pr; I don’t knew what you feel for Me.. and what all things going through your mind about me.. if you have any problems.. then it’s k.. I will not compel you.. because I don’t want to spoil your life by coming into it.. suddenly abhi pills her close.. as pragya doesn’t expect that from abhi…
Abhi place his hands on her face.. and look into her eyes..
The day I see you.. at that moment itself I started to love you.. and I love you more than myself.. then how can you think like this..
you are my journey, you are my destination too,
to live without you, O heart, is difficult.
you are my god, and you are in my prayers too,
to live without you, O heart, is difficult.
you are my journey, you are my destination too,
to live without you, O heart, is difficult.
you are my god, and you are in my prayers too,
to live without you, O heart, is difficult… plays..
Abhi placed his hands over her waist.. and hugs her tightly… as all this is shock for her.. but as she understand his feeling and emotions she knew how deep it is..
Suddenly purab came and abhigya broke their hug..
Pu; sorry Bhai and bhabhi.. I forget that now I have not right to come like this sorry bhabhi… actually I came here to talk with you.. if you Busy then.. it’s k.
Ab; no purab… it’s k you both carry on.. as abhi leaves pragya hold his hand.. abhi turned and look at her..
And leaves…
Now abhi is sitting on garden area..
Ab; pragya… I see your questions what you need to ask me.. from your eyes itself…. I knew its really confusing you… but I don’t wish to do so.. but it’s happens..
Screen shifted to room..
Pu; bhabhi.. . I thought we can do it in this way.. as what we planned is not so attractive… purab sees pragya is not in sense.. bhabhi… bhabhi..
Pr; sorry purab.. we can talk about it later..
Pu, it’s k bhabhi.. bhabhi.. if you need any help from me.. I think you are lost in something..
Pr; ya I need…

After sometimes
Abhi slowly opens the door and check whether pragya sleeps or not.. and he sees she is sleeping peacefully..
Abhi sits near her and removes the hair which fall on her face..
Sanam Re plays.. as wind blew.. pragya smiles.. which make smile on abhi too..
Next morning..
Pr; abhi… abhi.. just get up..
Abhi opens his eyes.. and sees pragya after get fresh rubbing her hair with towel.. he still lies in the same position pretending as sleeping….
Pragya started to get ready… all the while he is admiring her.. as pragya gets up.. abhi continue his acting..
Pr; abhi.. you can open your eyes.. there is no need of pretending to be sleep as I knew you are not..
Abhi gets up in a fake smile.. abhi look at pragya..
Pr; abhi.. why are you looking at me like this.. go and ready fast and come down.. I need to prepare for breakfast.. she leaves by smiling..
Ab; what?? She didn’t even question me.. as I thought that as I opened my eyes.. her question will fall on me as arrows.. but she behave in opposite way.. but as her smile itself is telling that it dangerous…
Pr; abhi.. I am not dangerous as you.. and I don’t knew to act like you.. I will express what I feels.. but there are some people will behave and think differently.. come fast as.. dadi have called everyone.. she has to tell something important..
Ab; what?
Pr; I don’t knew abhi.. if I have the ability to understand what is inside each person then there is no need of this situation in our life…
Abhi goes… and looked washroom.. and look at mirror…
Ab; abhi you have trapped.. the great rock star fall on a great trap which is made by him itself.. don’t you hear what she said.. in her every sentence there is inner meaning. Ya sure she understood everything… is she talks about this to dadi.
And she is going to talk about that..
Pragya knocks at door..
Abhi come fast.. we can think after sometime.. I feel that nowadays you are thinking a lot nowadays.. and ends up in trouble…
Abhi seems too tensed where as pragya is really smiling…
Episode ends…

So guys… now we all are going to seem the moments which we all are wait for till now.. but is any twist happens in between as is this dadi turns to villain role like real kkb.. let’s hope for best

Guys we are moving to the end part of the ff...drop your views
.i don't knew how you feel

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