chapter -11

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Hello everyone… I read all your comments… is dadi villain or not? That’s our main doubt right.. let’s Clear that faster.. so moving to story..

Abhi came out of his washroom.. and sees his dress is already make ready by pragya.. he wear it and getting ready..
Pr; till now don’t you get ready…
Ab; chashmish… why are you making me restless….
Pr; who is making restless.. me or you?
Ab; k.. let’s drop this topic now..
Pr; some topics can’t drop like this.. until telling it out… it’s better than from hiding.. abhi look at pragya and shares an eye lock..
Pr; so come let’s go down..

Abhi and pragya is coming down.. and sees already everyone arrived.. and from the facial expression itself one thing is clear that till now they are waiting for me..
Abhi; good morning everyone… and look at dadi.. she is somewhat angry.. if she knew that truth.. and look at pragya who is smiling.. why the he’ll she is smiling like this.. pragya too look abhi.. ( till now her smile is looking cute for me.. but now it’s turn irritating and weird.. )
Pr; ( abhi.. I knew you are feeling that I am irritating and my smile too.. but you need this… )
Da; I called off everyone to tell something serious about abhi…
Ab; ( ya it’s damn sure dadi understand everything )
Da; abhi… how can you do like this…
Ab; dadi.. actually.. I don’t want to do like this.. but I can’t lose her..
Da; I knew abhi for you.. music everything but don’t you think about pragya..
Ab; dadi.. in this talk how my music came..
Pu; that’s the main reason of our talk Bhai… Bhai.. I knew very well about you.. but this is something unexpected from you.. you share everything to me.. but hide this fact… why do you do that..
Ab; purab.. I knew what I doing is not right.. I must tell that to you.. but my situation is like that.. as I feel that what I thought to make as part of my life is getting away then..
Dadi: abhi… how can it go away from you.. look abhi.. in your life music have first preference.. but I want to tell you now.. as what you are going to do to pragya is not right.. you knew that you both get married nowadays.. and if you are going alone by leaving her here for 2 years is not right..
Ab; what?
Pu; yes Bhai.. bhabhi told about that to me..
Abhi look at pragya..
Pu; don’t stare on bhabhi.. actually she was not happy so I ask about that.. suddenly she talk that to me.. you are leaving to London… she promised me that not to tell this to dadi.. as you will convince dadi.. but by seeing bhabhi as sad.. I can’t..
Abhi look at pragya in confused and somewhat in anger too..
Da; no abhi… if you keep anger to pragya for this fact.. pragya beti.. tell me if abhi get anger on you.. and my decision is final here as no one is leaving to London now.. dadi goes.. abhi follow Dadi…
Purab too leaves..
Pragya is working in kitchen arranging everything… some one drags here and pinned to wall it was none other than abhi..
Pragya smiles..

Ab; why are you smiling chashmish.. don’t you how long I am waiting for you in room.. you are avoiding me and my talks by staying here..
Pr; no actually I have some works..
Ab; what is the meaning of all this..
Pr; what all this..
Ab; the incident which Dadi and purab talks about sometime before..
Pr; ya that’s incident..
Ab; ya that’s it.. I want to knew the reason about that drama..
Pr; you need to knew about that are you sure..
Ab; yes… I want to knew..
Pr; k I will talk with you.. but not here.. after my work got complete I will come to room and we will talk there..
Abhi takes pragya in arm’s.. which make pragya shocked..
Pr; abhi.. let me down.. as I have..

Abhi placed his fingers on her lips.. and shoo… bring her to room.. and let her to stand..
Ab; now tell me the reason.. as pragya moves.. abhi holds her wrist and drags her closer.. I will not let you go now..
Pr; you need to knew the reason of that drama right.. k.. I will tell you.. but before that I want to knew about an another drama which played by you with me..
Ab; drama.. me.. with you..Pr; don’t act too much abhi.. I knew you are good actor and you proved that to me.. as Maya..
Ab; Maya…??? Abhi didn’t utter a word after that..
Pr; yes abhi.. the play first you start in name of arjun and then it change as Maya..
Ab; vo… vo..
Pr; you didn’t met me before my marriage and agreed to marriage without seeing me as for dadi right..
Ab; vo.. vo..
Pr; I think rockstar need some water now as he can’t say anything..
Ab; no..
Pr; k tell me about that play..
Ab; actually fuggi..
Pr; so I am fuggi.. not you so called girlfriend right..
Ab; if you knew all that.. then you knew this too na..
Pr; hmm..
Ab; I knew really I did a cheating.. as but I have no other ways.. actually my plan is not like this..
Pr; so you planned something more..

Ab; ya.. its all fail because of you..
Pr; me..
Ab; yes.. do you knew when I see you in the first day itself.. don’t look t me like this.. ya this first day is not on our marriage.. I have met you before 6 months from our marriage date.. I fall in love with you.. the first sight of you itself kills me.. but I feel disappointed as I don’t knew anything about you at that time.. I feel that I will not met you again..and again I met you in theatre.. and get your name.. and made you as my friend and knew about you.. I planned that one day I will call you to meet and tell that its me who messaged you as Maya and I love you… but.. when you talk about your maa is searching someone for you.. how can I lose you.. so I do all this… and I knew you did this marriage to maa.. and no feelings for me.. I thought to make some feelings in you for me.. so that when you came to knew about the truth too you will not leave me.. but I failed in that too.. now you knew all this truth.. I knew I really hurt you and break your trust.. but I really loves you a lot.. I can’t live without you.. in everymoments of my life after I see you I think about you and dream about you.. but I didn’t wish to make you to compel for me if you don’t like that.. abhi place his hands on pragyas face.. and fuggi.. now it’s time to end up everything.. I knew you don’t like all this.. you can decide everything… and move away from her.. turns his face in opposite direction to her..
Ab; I will tell the driver to let you drop Back to home.. as for me your happiness is more important.. nothing other than that.. if your happiness is from moving away from me and my life.. I will allow you in happy… for me these some moments which we share each other is enough to live my rest of my life..

Episode ends..

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