last part

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Hello everyone… let’s move on to the story directly…
Ab; I will talk with driver and will come back.. abhi goes by opening the door.. before he close the door back.. pragya grab his hand… and pull him inside…
Pr; hello Mr. Abhi. What you think of your self.. as who are you to decide my life.. is I have any right in my own life..
Ab; I don’t get that..
Pr; k I will tell you clearly… it’s your plan na.. to bring me into your life without my opinion.. and now you too decide to make me back to my life.. by making me leaving from your life… you decide I will stay with you.. and you decide I will go away from you.. it’s possible..
Ab; k… then what you want to do.. as it’s your life..
Pr: ya now you got point right… I have my own decision… I play this drama because to make you feel tensed.. and I succeed in that.
Ab:so you feel happy that I am in tensed.. so tell me what can I do for you to make you happy.. and make me in tensed…
Pr; k I will tell you what you must do for that..
Ab; k I will do what you said..
Pr; k come let’s go to a place..
Ab; where?
Pr; I will tell you..
Abhigya sat on car.. actually abhi is really upset in look and in his sound as he is going to be away from his chashmish.. and these are the last moments in their life..
Ab; fuggi… really so sorry… I don’t do this..
Pr; abhi… there is no need of talking all this now.. as I have already taken a decision and now I can’t change that…
Ab; ( fuggi.. why can’t you see my pain.. why don’t you feel my love.. in these is any of one moment do you feel to be with me.. no. Right.. that’s why you are going away from me.. do you knew on our marriage day it’s me the most happiest person in this world.. but now I am most saddest person too.. )
Pr; stop the car now..
Ab; here.. why we both are here..
Pr; I will tell you.. just get down from the car..
Pragya sits under a tree..
Pr; abhi sit here.. they both remain Silent for sometime..
Pr; so abhi… I will tell you my decision… I told you about prem right.. and I told you that if I met him I will not go with him.. but at that time I don’t knew all this fact.. but now I knew it.. abhi do you knew.. I talk about our life with you is serious as I decided to give a chance for our relation.. but now.. abhi who is looking to pragya turn his face and place his hands on lap and close his face with his eyes.. now I decided to go with prem..
Abhi raise his head..
Ab; prem.. do you find him…
Pr; yes.. I find him.. and now I have no restrictions to get away from him.. I decided to live my whole life with prem.. abhi stands up and moves away… pragya holds his hand.. abhi turns..
Pr; why are you going away abhi as I told you that I need to live with prem.. if you make me alone here then how will I spend my life with you..
Abhi didn’t understand it..
Ab; what??
Pr; hey kadoos.. don’t you understand what I said I want to live my life with prem.. with MR. ABHISHEK PREM MEHRA… my so called prem..
Abhi holds pragyas shoulder..
Ab; what you said.. you want to live with me..
Pragya smiles.
Pr; yes..
Ab; do you love me..
Pr; no I hate you..
Ab; what?
Pr; yes I hate you abhi.. but I love you prem and hugs him.. abhi too hug her back..
sanam re plays )
After sometime..
Pragya is holding abhis hand and they both are walking..
Ab; fuggi.. then why don’t you make me wait till now.. and you knew I was totally…
Pr; yes.. I knew.. as I wish to confess my love on this place.. this school where we both studied..
Abhi smiles..
Ab; but how you knew that I am your so called prem..
Fb shows..
As abhi leaves room.. as purab came.. pragya has already some doubts.. as purab talks about short film..pragya was lost on abhi.. as purab leaves pragya sees abhis phone.. she tries to open the lock.. by typing different name.. dadis purab.. his name.. and at that time she remember about fuggi.. which abhi talks about.. as she types it the phone get unlocked.. as pragya goes through his phone.. what she saw in galary is full with her photos.. which make Her confused… and their edited photos.. on which written abhi loves pragya… (fuggi ).. from that she came to knew about fuggi is none other than pragya and while checking his phone itself messenger ( facebook messaging app) she see her name and the messages which she send for maya is received by abhi…
Fb ends..

Pr; at that moment I really fell hurt as you hide all this truth to me.. as you didn’t understand me.. you feel that I will reject you by knowing all this.. which means you think that I can’t understand your love.. I feel that you too don’t have hope in your own love.. so I decided to go away from you and your life..
Ab; what?
Pr; yes.. as I started to pack all my belongings… I get some albums which is your photos of childhood to till now.. and from that I understand that you too studied in my same school..
Ab; k.. that’s clear but from that how can you figure it out that I am prem..
Fb shows..
As purab enters room again.. he sees his bhabhi packing all her belongings.
Pu; bhabhi.. you both decided to go for honey moon na..
Pr; no purab..
Pu; then where are you going..
Pr; I am going away from him and his life..
Pu; what? Pragya explained everything to purab..
Pu; bhabhi… don’t go away from us.. do you knew till now my Bhai never hide anything from us.. he hides only you.. and till his life.. so many girls proposes him.. but he only for you.. and he loves you this Much he will never tell lie to me and dadi..
Pr; but purab..
Pu; bhabhi.. do you knew in his school everyone calls him prem.. I usually tease him that because of that name girls fall on him.. as his name itself make a feel that he will be good lover..
Pr:what you said? Prem..
Pu; ya Bhabhi.. as every girl roam around him everyone tease him by that name prem.. but Bhai didn’t like that..
Pr; so prem is abhi…
Pu: what happened di..
Pragya smiles.. don’t worry purab I will not go.. but you must do one favour as you must convince dadi as he is going to London for 2 years making me alone here..
Pu; but why?
Pr; purab.. he acts really well in front US na.. so we will act well and make him confess his love.
Pu; wow that’s right.. I bhabhi I will help you..
Fb ends..
Ab; purab ka baccha… I will show you..
Pr: no.. he do that as my instructions..
Ab; but you feel hurt because of me right..
Pr; abhi.. as from the second day itself I feel that you are hiding something and I have an assumption that you loves me too..
Ab; abhi really..
Pr; yes…
Ab; then why you decided to go from my life making me alone..
Pr: hey bhudhu.. actually if I go too.. I knew you will come to my home.. to call me back to home..
Ab; Ohio.. which means..
Pr; which means..
Ab; you too loves me..
Pr; I don’t knew if l loves you or not.. but when I look at your eyes I forget everything.. I started to lots on you.. my heart beat started to beat fast.. as you talk about fuggi.. an unknown anger may be jealousy create on me.. and that kiss.. which you give me.. which tell me that how intense is your love.. and to be truth.. at that moment I feel if I am your fuggi then I will be…
Ab; most luckiest person right pragya smiles.. oh.. is that much powerful is my kiss..
Pragya blushes..

Ab; k let me try it once again.. if it is or not.. abhi moved his lips in her.. and started to enjoy her lips.. pragya too passionally responds to it.. they broke their kiss..
Ab; now what you feel is that much intense or not..
Pr; I will not answer to this question as I knew if I answered you will tell that let’s check with one more..
Ab; smart girl..
Pr; but you are bad abhi..
Ab; what happens..
Pr; what you said you will tell driver to drop me right..
Ab; that’s really abhis trick..
Pr; trick..??
Ab; he fuggi.. I have a hope that you will stop me..
Pr; hope??
Ab: ya how can a girl to reject me.. who looks cute handsome and dashing..
Pr; cheap joke..
Ab; don’t worry next time I will make it better..
Pr; let’s go. Now. As purab will be waiting for us..
They both gets in car.. and goes..
By this journey they started their journey of love.. the never ending love which make both led a happy life…

Authors note :
This story ends here.. the story which I started to end in 4 episode… ends with 15.. if I wish I can continue it.. but as the time limitation I can’t do so.. at this time I need to thank a lot to my sweet sister friends…

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