How you meet

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Yuuri Katsuki:

You had a huge problem. The only solution to your problem? Working. You didn't really like the thought about working, however you needed to get some money or else you would live on the streets soon. With a sigh you entered your new work place. Curious you looked around and almost bumped into a boy. He almost fell backwards, but was able to hold his balance. Only his glasses fell to the ground. Before he could grab them, you already took them and hold them towards him. He smiled and took them from you. "So...are you the girl that is supposed to work here?" he asked. You nodded. He smiled and started to show you around. You found out that his name is Yuuri and that he's the son of the people who own that place and will sometimes help you with the work here.


Kenjiro Minami (aged up to 18!!):

You hadn't much of interest in figure skating, mainly because you weren't this good in it in the first place, however when you saw a young boy skating on ice, you started to get more interested in it. You watched him in awe. It was amazing what he could do! You watched him until he noticed you and skated to you. You blushed in embarrassment and looked down. "Do you skate, too?" he asked you. You just shook your head. It took you a while but eventually you two were talking about a few things. You told him your name and he his and soon you remembered that your friend was a really big fan of Kenjiro. You told Kenjiro that you were just here because you wanted to try ice skating. Before you knew it, it was already evening and you needed to go home, however you promised Kenjiro that you would meet again.


Viktor Nikiforov:

He was not the best when it came to finding places. He was currently in another town, trying to find the hotel where he was supposed to stay, but somehow had managed to get lost. When he was about to give up, he saw you, and instantly walked over to you to ask you for the way or so. You were a little surprised that a stranger would ask you for the way, however told him the way. You saw his confused expression and decided to show him the way instead of letting him go lost completely. You two were talking on the way to his hotel. He told you that he was skating and that his name was Viktor Nikiforov. You told him your name.

As soon as you two arrived at the hotel, he gave you a ticket for the grand Pix and told you that he looked forward to see you in the crowd, cheering for him.


Yuri Plisetsky (aged up to 18!!!):

You easily would lose things. That's why a lot of people made fun of you. Right now you were on you way home as you noticed that you were missing your phone. It probably had fallen out of your pocket earlier. In panic you turned around and started to seek for your phone. After a while a boy with blond hair walked over to you and hold your phone towards you. You looked at him, thankfully. "You dropped this earlier" he said as you took the phone from him. "Thank you very much for giving it back to me!" you said with a big smile. The boy just 'tsked' before turning around to walk back. You just tilted your head before going back home. When you were at home, you saw that the boy had taken some pictures with your phone and even posted one on your Instagram. 'Yuri Plisetsky' you thought as you saw all the comments on your Instagram.


Phichit Chulanont:

You were wandering around the streets, trying to figure out where the heck you were. You had lost your way and just wanted to find the hotel, where you would stay for a week. You felt like crying. Sure you had asked a few people to tell you the way, but they would just ignore you or look at you annoyed. So after a while you sat down on a bench and started to cry. This caught the attention of a young man. He walked over to you and asked you if you were alright. You told him your problem and he was willing to show you the way to your hotel. On the way to the hotel he tried to cheer you up, took some selfies with you and told you some funny stories. When you two stood in front of the hotel, you give him a hug. "Thank you very much....I...should at least tell you my name. I'm [Y/N]" The boy nodded happy and introduced himself as Phichit.


Christophe Giacometti

You were crying, walking down the streets. You dog had run away and you had been seeking for him the whole day, however were not able to find him. When you were about to give up and just go home, hoping that nothing bad happened to your little baby, a man with blond, brown hair walked towards you, your dog walking beside him. Without a second thought you ran towards your dog, kneeled down and hugged your dog. The man beside you chuckled a little. You looked up to see his beautiful eyes. You smiled and without thinking give him a hug, which surprised the swiss. You thanked him and told him your name. In return he also told you that his name was Christophe and asked you if you maybe could show him around tomorrow. You happily agreed.


Emil Nekola:

You loved to take photos, no matter of what or who. You were currently walking around in the park when you saw a man sitting on a bench and thinking. You thought that this would be a good picture, so you simply took a picture and caught the attention of the man. Embarrassed you started to apologize while he just laughed and told you that it was fine. "I can sign the picture for you if you like" he said and made you confuse. Was he famous? You really didn't know. You simply frowned and asked him who he was, which made him surprised. He answered you that his name was Emil. It was one of the less times that someone didn't know him and it made him somehow happy that you didn't know him. You two talked a little until you needed to go home. 

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