Chapter 3

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^Sophia (Angelina Jolie)

Alison POV

The screams stop and my body decides to force air into my lungs for a change as my mind changes lanes and the next sound to escape from my mouth is a hysterical sob.

I can't move anymore backwards, probably due to my back hitting a wall and I need to get back.

I need to get away from this and run.

Run as far as I can.

But I can't move to either side, either. I'm fucking trapped! The dead woman is getting out of the coffin, one leg followed by the other. It's climbing out and moving towards me, her hands thrusted out towards me as her head shakes side to side while she says something I can't hear because of my heart beating in my ears.

I don't want to hear it, though. I don't want it to touch me.

"NO!" It's the first word I can articulate, but it is hoarse and jumbled through my sobs.

"It's okay," Aric whispers. He's behind me and I then realize that I am not against a wall. He's holding me in place.

"She's not dead, Alison. She's not dead. Stay back, Mom."

The woman stops moving and drops her hands, frowning, "I'm so sorry. I thought you knew."

I furrow my eyebrows in utter confusion. A monster wouldn't sound so feminine and nice. Still, I press my back more into Aric, not trusting what I see and his arms hold me in a reassuring way to confirm that he's on my side.

Dead lady glances at Aric and he speaks, "Alison," says Aric, "this is your grandmother, Sophia. Mom, this is Alison."

My tears won't stop as I stare at my nightmare. She smiles and it reminds me exactly of Aric's smile, but hers seems more hesitant.

"Why don't we take this somewhere a little more private?"  She reaches towards me.

I clutch Aric's hand tightly and a rough blast of heat surges throughout my body. She retreats and stares at me.

I stare at her and as I attempt to respond, dizziness disorients me and warmth rushes up from my toes to my head.

My mouth opens and the sickening breakfast I ate on the plane lands squarely on Sophia's shoes before I collapse, my eyes shutting tight.

Emily POV

"Alison freaking-out! Now that was some funny shit," CeCe takes a enormous bite out of the Texas-sized she created on the meat tray Mom set up for the part.

Besides me and CeCe, the kitchen area is very empty and we decide to sit at a table while everyone deciphers what the hell is going on.

Only a handful of us know why Aric's posted guards out and inside every entrance and he's allowing no access in or out as of right now. The funeral home is on disaster-area shutdown because that girl arrived. 

If it wasn't for Leo telling me to follow the long-lost daughter, I wouldn't have even had a clue that Alison has returned to Riverrock.

Aric is real secretive about Alison and this surprise visit must be his worst nightmare, especially with the shit going down with our rivals the Drakes.

I'd bet that the next few hours will be decently interesting.

"Ahhh!" Two young kids race through the kitchen with their hands raised in the air, "dead person! Dead person!"

CeCe laughs, then chokes on the sandwich, making me laugh. 

Now that's some funny shit.

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