Chapter 9

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Alison POV

"Because if you don't I'll tell him that you kissed me."

At this points I knew that I had won the battle. Emily's face drains in color as she scoffs, "you used me."

"You know it. Now, what's it gonna be? Lose your one chance into the pathetic boy band, or keeping my lips shut and stay in Aric's good graces?" I make sure to keep my confident demeanor. Just a few more seconds Alison and you're good.

By the look on Emily's face, I got her wrapped around my finger.


Emily sighs, "fine. Don't make a noise."

"I would never. That was you."

Emily stiffens and grabs the handle of the door, breathing in and out, then opens it cautiously. "Follow me closely." She grips my hand and I stare at our linked fingers, feeling all sorts of jitters run up and down my arm.

She walks me out and I get a glimpse of my mom who is with Aric. She walks towards him and he opens his arms instantly for her, holding her in a way too kind embrace. And Mom melted right into it. She wraps her arms around him and closes her eyes, sighing in what sounds like relief.

Why is she so relieved with Aric? She looks comfortable and that hug wasn't friendly. It was a hug that means so much more...

We hear feet so Emily yanks me behind a wall as we sit and I here Aric say, "I talked with Kenneth, Jess. Alison can't leave. Not now. If she does, the Drakes will follow her and the two of you. Staying here with us, she can and will be safe. I can promise you that."

I frown and shake my head, "no way-" "shut up Princess."

I glare at Emily and hear someone come close. I close my eyes and look up at the person to see Dad staring down at me, more than confused.

I shake my head, putting my finger in front of my lips, begging him not to rat us out.

He sighs and waves us out of the room, smiling gently at me and I groan when we're back in the office.

"No way  I am staying here."

Mom would never let that happen...right?

"Why? Worried you'll fall in love with me?" Emily smirks and I roll my eyes at her, "no. I want to be with my parents. Not people like you."

Now she comes closer, "people like me? That supposed to be offensive?" I chuckle, "yes, actually. People like you who...who are jerks, conceited, think that every girl will simply fall at their feet, and people like you that are part of a stupid gang."

"We're a club, first off. And you don't know me."

"I beg to differ. You're an asshole who expects everything in life to be handed to her. You probably cheated your way into college-" "I'm not going to college."

I frown and look her in the eyes, "why not?"

"Because. The security company and the club is my life. I don't need school in my future if it's already set for me."

I scoff and nod, "exactly my point. Don't you have a dream? Someone you have always wished to be?"

Emily stares at me, shrugging, "a Havoc Rider."

There's something wrong here. She has all options of a future cut off because of a club and a company? I doubt she is fit for a security company. She could be anything she wanted if she opened herself up to the world outside of the one she is in now.

"Emily there are so many things out there that you could possibly do-" "Please, Alison. You sound like Sophia." Her voice spits venom at me and I stumble back, caught off guard by how defensive she got over it.

The door opens and Aric steps in, "follow me guys. Alison your parents are outside."

I nod and follow Aric, then run over to Mom once I see her. "Mom!"

"Oh my baby!" She hugs me tightly and I bury my head in the crook of her neck. "You're okay sweetie."

"What's going on?" I ask and Dad comes over, hugging me and I grip him tightly. 

"Al we think...we think it'd be best if you stayed here for a while." I frown and pull away, looking at him.

"What? Without you?" I ask, my heart dropping and Dad glances at Mom, "pumpkin...come with me."

He walks me to a table outside the church and we sit down, staring at Mom as she talks with Aric. "Your mother is very worried about your safety, Alison."

I frown and get scared, "why? Am I in danger?"

Dad looks at me, "no. This...this whole motorcycle thing. It's all fake, Alison. They're just grown men playing dress up, acting like they're these big motorcycle dudes that rule the roads. You're safe. It's all a game."

He says it to me with such certainty that a weight is lifted off of my shoulders, "okay. Then I can come home?"

"Not exactly. Al your mother is so worried and so is Aric. I think you should stay, give your mom the assurance that you're safe. If you stay here, she will see that there is nothing to worry about when you come home in two weeks, safe, without a scratch on you. Okay? Do this for your mother?"

I look back at Mom who glances at me, her eyes nothing but worried and that's all I have seen ever since we came here in the first place. 

I take a deep breath and nod, "okay. I'll stay. For Mom."


Alison's staying, huh?

What do you think will happen?

Is Kenneth right?

Is this all fake?

What will this bring for Emily and Alison?

Review and comment!

~stay fearless~

Caleigh <13

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