Chapter 21

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Emily POV

"What do you mean?"

"I mean exactly what I said, Em. Warren Drake is the leader of the Drakes. He's ruthless. And he hates me. If Alison gets hurt I will never forgive myself." He pulls in front of a house and sighs, "I haven't been here since Jessie and I were together."

Hearing her call Jessica "Jessie" makes me realize how much he really did love her.

"Okay, Em. Listen. I'm going to go in there, nice and calm. You'll be with me. When I tell you to do something, you do it. Got it?"

I stare at him, frowning, "what do you mean-" "Em. When we go in there. All hell is going to break loose." "Then let me call someone, Porkchop or Leo, Rivers-" "no. I have to do this myself. When I tell you to go. You take my daughter, and leave, okay? Nothing hurts her. I know you love her Em so I know that you'll do what I ask."

He wants me to leave him if he's in trouble.

"I'm not leaving you-" "Em. I am your superior. You do as I say, got it? I need your word that you'll obey."

I stare at the house, my eyebrows knitting together. Alison will be crushed.

I sigh, "fine. What you say goes."

He nods, "good. Let's go."

I see Hanna pull up in her car and look at me worriedly. I put three fingers behind my back, hoping that she still remembers our secret code from when we were kids. She drives away and I walk after Aric.

He knocks on the door, his gun concealed under his jacket and I have mine concealed as well. Always have it handy on me.

A man with a scar opens the door and Aric grins sinisterly, "Victor. What a pleasant surprise. My daughter here?"

He eyes Aric down and Aric let's himself in, nodding for me to follow so I do. Once we get inside, I see Alison sitting at a table, not touching a plate of cookies offered to her. She sees Aric and I, then smiles in relief, her eyes red and teary.

I want to run to her but a woman and large man, presumably Warren, blocks us, "Aric. What are you doing here?"

"Getting my daughter back."

"We had a deal, Aric. You don't get to see Alison. That was our deal and we'd leave the Havoc alone," Warren hisses and clenches his fists, "and your men were on our turf."

Aric sighs, "look. We can negotiate. Just give Alison back. You can't hold her here against her will."

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I slowly pull it out, glancing at the screen.

Please bring my granddaughter back. -Sophia

I put it in my pocket and stare at Victor as he growls at me, "she's here. She came to us."

Aric nods, "she wants the truth. And she will know."

"She already knows," Warren's wife says and Aric stares at her, "Pearl-" "tell your regret of a father what the story is Alison," Pearl says and Alison gulps.

"I know what you did. And why you did it."

Aric frowns, "no. Alison they're lying to you. Whatever they said-" "is the truth. You stole our daughter from us and our granddaughter."

"Jess left because you were abusing her. You never accepted her and you wanted her to be part of the Drakes but she came to us because we were more civilized. We are a family. She wanted a family. One to love her. We gave her that."

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