Chapter 3: Another villan

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Jesse's POV:
We desided to go through one portal to another dimension which looked like a grave yard. "Were do you think we are know" Petra asked. "I don't care this place is scary" Lukas whimpered. "Awww don't need to be scared Lukas it's just a grave yard" Petra teased. "Hey look a book" Ivor announced. I walk over to the book and started to read. "Hello adventures I am your host and... " I was cut off by Petra screaming. "ZOMBIES"Petra screamed. "Jesse hurry  up and read it" Ivor said. "I humbly invite you to my mantion were all will be solved" I read. "Let's hurry up and find this mantion" Lukas said. We all started to run but in every direction we went zombies on followed. I had to save Ivor at least 10 times from being eaten alive. We had been separated from Lukas and Petra and we were stuck on the other side of a water fall. Ivor ran into me and we both got pushed into the water. I had to grab onto the vines to make sure I didn't plumit to my death. I climbed as fast as I could and as I was back on the surface Ivor ran beside me and then we ran together. There was zombies everywhere and they we're closing in on us. Then we came to an ravine to run down but zombies were falling into it. I had to try and avoid them and I did amazingly but some skeletons were standing on top of a bridge. The Lukas hit one with his bow and Petra then slided alone and pushed them off. So I jumped one zombies head did a triple turn and killed the skeletons in mid air. Did a front flip and landed perfectly! Ivor ran next to me in amazement. "How long have you been able to do that" he asked. "Less talking more running" I said. We ran to the end of the ravan. "Exit manover number 63,  stairs " I shouted. We built a stair case into the ravine and once we were at the top we met back up with Lukas and Petra. I ran in front of them to the gate of the mantion. "Wooo , I won " I yelled. "Ok you won that one Jesse" Petra said. "Well let's not celebrate just yet , let's just get in the dam mantion" Ivor yelled. There were hundreds of zombies crowding the front door. "Ok follow me guys " I said. We ran around every zombie and we were stuck. "So were do we go know" Ivor yelled. I looked around to see what I could work with. "Look a window we can chap down these trees to get up there0 I said. "Well let's get started then " Lukas said. We started to chop down the trees to create a wood staircase. " And now my inventory is full of wood blocks" said Petra. "You never know when you need some wood and also it looks like there is some sort of kitchen in there" I announced. "Well just get us into the dam place already" Ivor yelled. I punched the window and smashed it. "I hope this host will find it in his heart to forgive us for breaking his window" I said. I could hear other people talking in the other room. "I told you a million times sparklez I don't have the dam thing" some yelled. "Well it didn't just disappear out of nowhere does it...." someone said as they walked into the room. "So your the once who brought us all here" he said. "No we weren't and by the way who are you" I asked. "Ok everyone just chill, I'm captain sparklez and this is torwpdog" sparklez said. "I'm Jesse and this is Petra , Lukas , Ivor and we're the order of the stone" I said. "Jesse , ha that's a boys name " torwdog teased. "Hay I don't have a boys name" I yelled.

(Couldn't find just torquedawgs death)

All of a sudden it went dark and someone screamed. The lights turned back on and torpwdog was lying on the floor with arrows through him. "Oh no torpwdog" sparklez yelled. "J-esse come here" he said holding onto his last breath. I walked over to him. "Y-you have -a bo-oys na-me" he said quickly. Then he died and all his stuff was on the floor. "How could this happen, torpwdog was so tuff" sparklez said. "Ivor would you like to examine this arrow" I asked. "With pleasure" he said as I handed him the arrow. "I see this and arrow tipped with poison , so he must have stepped on those pressure plates" Ivor said. "Oh no , well I guess I'll have to tell the others come one" sparklez said worryingly. We followed him into another room which had posters of us and some other. "Oh my stars it's perfect" Ivor said looking at his poster. "Oh wow , they can't get my nose right" Lukas said

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