Chapter 4 : murder no.2

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Jesse's POV:
We had searched nearly everyone room , except one. There was a room at the top of the stairs. "Ok everyone stay up here and don't move while me and Petra investigate" I said. It was only me and Petra because Lukas had been accused as the white pumpkin and Ivor was guarding him. So let's see. There were three pictures and one was shaped like a person could fit through. So I punched it and boom a door way. "Wowey you found it" stampy said. "Well we don't need to go down there we already have the white pumpkin"Stacy said. "Hey Lukas isn't the white pumpkin it was a frame I've told you a hundred times " I yelled. I started to growl at Stacy and she backed away. "Common Jesse lets go through the door" Petra said. A followed her through the iron door and I shut it behind us." Jesse are you ok you got a bit angry"she asked. "I'm fine let's just find a way to get down this big hole , what have you got in your inventory" I asked. Petra pulls out a bunch of sticks and a give her a confused look. "Sorry I make sticks when I'm worried" she said. "Well these will do" I said.

~many ladders later~

Once we had got all of the ladders it was time to go down. "Ok I'll go first and you follow me" I said. "All right just try not to fall" Petra said. I placed two ladders to me to hold onto and I placed more and more as we moved down. Once at the bottom we started to creep around. "Ok be careful the white pumpkin could be anywhere" I said. "Do you hear that it sounds like zombies" she said. I could hear moans and groans coming from around the corner. When we walked around there were cages and cages of zombies. "Well now we know where those zombies came from" Petra said. She looked scared. "Awwww Petra your not scared are you " I said mockingly. "No just hay look the white pumpkins been growing some masks" she said trying to change the subject. Then I could hear some coming down the corridor. I pulled out my sword ready to attack. "Wow it's just me stampy cat" he said. "What are you doing down here cat it's a bit suspicious" I said. "No, no , no I came down here cause I need to tell you something important" he said. I put my sword away and stampy held out an enchanted flint n steel. "Wow stampy cat with the enchanted flint n steel didn't see that coming" Petra said. "I took it from Dan it was just as a little prank but I didn't think it would lead to all this" he said. "Well you can give it back this is all over but for know let's see if we need to see if we could find anything in this place" I said. We walked into another room there was a chest , some cages , a little pond and some books. "This place is creepy" she said. "I would not put this in the top 10 places I've ever been" stampy said. "Common you two stop being such baby's there's nobody here" I said. Petra looked at me in shock. "What's in the chest Jesse" stampy asked. I walked over to the chest but a cat sat on it. "Hold on a minute "I said walking to the little pond. I pulled out a fishing rod and released it. I caught a fish and walked back over to the chest. "Here kitty get the fishy" I said placing the fish on the floor. The cat walked over then a hundred cats jumped to get the one fish. "Sooooo what's in there Jesse" he asked again. I opened the chest and pulled out a poster then placed it on the wall. "Oh I don't like that" Petra said looking at the big x through her pictures. "Yep there's a bunch of then here but....." I stop as something came to me. "But what Jesse" Petra asked. "Someone's poster isn't here and there a cat person" I said. "So you've figured it out" he said. "The white pumpkin is Cassie rose" I announced. "That makes so much sense" Petra said. "Common lets go tell everyone" stampy said
~place skip~
We had just arrived at the top of the and Stacy and Dan were waiting and they stood up when I arrived. "I'll go get everyone" stampy said running off. "What is going on what did you find down there" dan asked. "Find down where" someone said. I looked at the doorway and Cassie rose walked in and was shocked at the sight of the secret doorway. "Ok I've got everyone except for cassi....ahhhh" stampy yelled walking in with everyone else. "So are you going to explain Cassie" I said. "I don't know what your talking about" she said panicking. "Jesse what are you talking about" Lukas asked. "One thing I know is that as soon as Lizzie died we all gathered in a room but there was one person missing..... Cassie"I said. "That doesn't mean anything" she said. "Also when we were in the white pumpkins lair he had a chest full of crossed out portraits but one person didn't have a crossed out portrait and that was Cassie" I said. "Ohhhh that's cold " Ivor said. "Ok finish her off" Petra whispered. "And finally we found hundred of cat which looked just like Winslow" I said. "Oh really if you saw so many of these cats then what colour is Winslow" she asked standing in front of the cat. "Winslow is black , white and orange" I said. Cassie moved away from the cat and I was right. "Cassie is this true" Stacy asked moving towards her. "This was all your plan to get a hold of the enchanted flint n steel" I said as we all walked close to her were she was cornered. "How very clever of you Jesse, well I guess that's it then , I am the murderer" he said walking backwards. "I have been stuck in this world with its stupid two moons for to long and that was my only ticket out of here" she said in anger. "But I'm going to get that..... ahhhhh" she said falling down a hole and sand piled on top of her. "Common we've got to get her out of there" everyone said running over to dig up the sand. "No she deserves this she's killed so many people" I said not going over only until the sand was gone. "Look there's all the stuff a pumpkin an axe and some of Lizzie's stuff" I said looking down at the mess. "Guys look all of the zombies are gone " Petra said.
As we were outside it was time to sort something out. "So stampy haven't you got something to tell them" I said looking at him. "What is it stampy" dan asked. Stampy took out the flint n steel and held it out to dan. "I took this from you as just a little prank" he said as dan took it back. "Just don't do that again" dan said. "Well I really don't like goodbyes so I'm going to go" Stacy said walking off. "Hey Stacy wait up" dan said running to her. "Bye" stampy said running to find them. "What a strong group of individuals" Ivor said as we walked to the portal. "Well I'm just glad none of use were killed" Lukas said. I looked at my arm which had been cut by the axe. "Jesse you ok" Petra asked. "Ye let's just get out of this world" I said lightning the portal. We all walked in we didn't end up in the portal hall we were on a block platform which was getting smaller. "You thought you could get rid of me that easily" someone said. I looked up and there was the white pumpkin. "Jesse we can do this the hard way or the nice way give me what I want" she said. "I would never give it" I shouted. "Well then I'll get it with you dead" she shouted and flicked a lever. The bridge brick in half and Petra , Ivor and Lukas were trapped on the other side. "Don't worry guys I'll get a lever to open the doors" I said. I pulled out an ended pearl and through it up to platform. Once up there I broke the leaver but once I looked over to throw it down to them they were gone. "Nooooo!" I yelled. "Jesse down here" Lukas whispered. I looked down and they were on an obsidian block. "Holy sh*t guys I thought you were dead" I said. "Bearly alive , just throw us down the lever" he said. I throw it down but as I looked up the white pumpkin was running towards me. "Your getting on my nerves" Cassie said. "We're is the flint n steel" she said. I looked up and it was on another ledge. "You didn't have it either but now it's mine" she yelled throwing an ender pearl. She was running to it but I throw an ender pearl and landed on top of her. "I won't let you get it , it's mine " I yelled. Then Winslow walked up to it and started to hit it to the edge. "No no no Winslow can to master " Cassie insisted. "Here kitty" I said but the stupid cat hit it off the edge. Cassie got up and jumped down and I followed but when I was down there she was gone. So I ender pearled to the top but she lit the floor with fire. "There so way to put that out, common Winslow " she said. I looked up and Petra with here sword and Lukas with a water bucket. "Hey white pumpkin cats suck" I yelled. "I have you know that cats are the best animals in the world" she said. Then Petra jumped down and Lukas released the water putting out the fire. Petra hit Cassie and the flint n steel roles into Ivor's hand. "Ha I did it" he announced. "You are all dying know" Cassie screamed running to Ivor. "Oh no thank you" he said tossing me the flint n steel. Cassie turned and ran at me but I set her mask on fire and she fell into the hole and was stuck. "Well I guess that's it then look at me stuck again out of ender pearls" Cassie said. "Jesse are you coming" Lukas said. "I'll meet you back at the portal hall" I said. The rest of them went through the portal and it was me and Cassie. "Before you go can I please have my cat he's my only friend" she asked. I said nothing and I pulled out a bow. I released the arrow and it went through Cassie's head. Blood splattered against the wall and Winslow ran away. I walked away into the portal where I met Lukas , Petra and Ivor back in the portal hall.

To be continued......

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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