Chapter 7: Of course

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"Damian!" Jon gasped as he tried to adjust his eyes to the light outside.

"You look like something hit you in the face" Damian says, remaining a straight face.

Jon giggled slightly before he spoke again. "What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I snuck out" Damian answered smugly.

"Wait! You travelled all that way?" Jon asked, obviously shocked.

"Yeah" Damian replied, making it sound like nothing.

"But... Why?" Jon wondered.

"Father doesn't want me to see you, so I do the complete opposite. It's simple!" Damian said not really caring of any worry that may be caused.

"My dad said the same, hang on a sec while I get changed" Jon simply said.

Damian nodded.

Within no time at all the both of them were roaming around as Robin and Superboy.


The morning soon came and Clark did the exact same as he would every morning when Lois wasn't around.

He headed down stairs, grabbed the newspaper from outside and placed it on the table, proceeded to make himself a cup of coffee and got changed. He did all of this before waking Jon up. He liked a little while of silence and no worry when he wakes up.

This morning was different though. Instead of no worrying, there was much worrying.

He opened the door to Jon's bedroom like he normally would and approached the bed. As he was going to place hands down to shake him awake, he noticed the bed was empty.

Clark searched everywhere for his son, but his search was unsuccessful.

Clark didn't know what to do. This had never happened before. In the end he decided to call the Justice League for help.


It was 11am at Wayne Manor. Bruce and Alfred were both in the kitchen. It hadn't occurred to Bruce that Damian wasn't in the room until Alfred brought it up.

"Master Bruce, have you seen young Master Damian this morning?" Alfred wondered.

"No" Bruce said placing down his newspaper, "I'll go check on him" and he was out the door.

He headed up the stairs listening very closely in case he could hear a slight sound. Nothing. You could hear a pin drop.

He knocked on Damian's door. No reply. He knocked again. Still nothing. Bruce opened the door anyway but saw nothing, only an open window.

This didn't bother Bruce. He suspected it actually. Damian would leave but would come back by dinner time. There was nothing to worry about...

But Bruce was wrong.


Damian and Jon had a 'fun' night. They saved some people being mugged and stopped a bank from being robbed.

They had the time of their lives.

This was all before the Joker happened.

Robin and Superboy heard screams from an alley way. They went in that direction and saw no one, but as they turned around gas was forming. Joker gas. Damian didn't realise what it was until it was too late. They both fell to the ground before Joker could make his appearance.


Dinner time had passed and there was no sight of Damian.

Bruce changed into his Batman costume and walked through the zeta tubes which led to the watchtower.

Bruce was actually starting to worry, which was why he went to the watchtower.

He was going to ask for assistance from the other League members, apart from Superman.

As he entered the main room he saw all the members of the league having a 'discussion'. This stopped when they all noticed Batman had entered.

Bruce avoided all eye contact and headed straight to the computers. He would have told the others but Superman was there.

"Bruce? Are you okay?" Diana asked approaching Bruce.

"I'm fine Diana" Bruce replied. "Why would you ask?".

"You don't seen like your threatening self" Barry said jumping in.

Bruce didn't have the time and effort to send a Bat glare. He turned back to the computer and began typing something in.

"What are all of you doing here anyway?" Bruce asked, not making any eye contact.

"Clark was asking us if we could help him find Jon" Diana replied.

This caught Bruce's attention. Of course he imagined Clark asking everyone he knew for help, but it was the fact that both of them went missing at the same time.

"When did you last see him?" Bruce asked, he didn't want to communicate with Clark but something told him that he had to.

"Last night. He wasn't in his room this morning" Clark replied edging towards the front.

"Same with Damian" Bruce quoted silently hoping that nobody would hear him.

"Wait! Damian went missing as well!" Clark obviously said shocked.

"Yeah..." Bruce replied. "Usually when he leave he's back by dinner time but I think something happened. I also think this has something to do with out conversation"

"The one in the Bat Cave? How do you know?" Clark questioned.

"Yes and because I'm Batman"

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