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Jim, Ray, Robby: *like a barbershop quartet* Hello, hello, hello!

John: Oh my God, why.

Uh... Okay. So. First up, I'm-- What are you wearing, Jim.

John: He says it's a possum, but I think it's a cat.

Ray: Looks like a raccoon.

Robby: It's a rat.

Jim: No! It's a possum!

Robby: A giant rat!

Jim: Possums and rats are completely different!

I think it's an opossum.

The Doors: *stare at me*


Jim: That's the exact same thing as a possum.

I wouldn't say so... My grandpa convinced my aunt for several years that possums and opossums are different.

Ray: Wow. That's impressive.

He also convinced her that hay bails, the big round ones, were buffalo.

Robby: How...?

When you see them on a hill from far away, they look like buffalo.

Robby: Alright...

Okay, back to introductions. I'm Shaz, Shae, Shale, Shaep... Yeah. Most people call me Shae or Shaz. Queen calls me Shale and Pink Floyd says I'm Shaep.

Jim: Shaep?

Yeah. Shae sheep. An old friend came up with it.

John: I'm calling you SM. Since you sign your art "SM."

Okay. Whatever. You guys need to introduce yourselves.

Jim: I'm sure everyone knows who we are, but okay. I am James Douglas Morrison. Call me Jim.

Ray: I'm not saying my full name. It's Ray--

Jim: Say it all, Raymond!

Ray: No!

Robby: While they fight it out, I'm Robert Alan Krieger. Robby, if you will.

John: You're younger than me so I don't know why you went before me.

Robby: Ray's older than Jim and Jim went first so...

John: Whatever. John Paul Densmore. I'm not John Paul Jones. I can't play bass.

Ray: Okay, fine. I'm Raymond Daniel Manczarek Jr. Please, for the love of God, call me Ray.

So we have everything hashed out? Jim, Ray, Robby and John.

Jim: And SM.

Yeah. Whatever. Next part, you guys react.

Robby: Yes!

Ray: Finally.

John: Okay.

Jim: *is petting the possum* What?

*sigh* Get out, Morri...

Jim: Geez, okay... *leaves*

Ray: Might as well follow. *also leaves*

Robby and John: *look at each other and leave*

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