Something Amazing

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You boys ready for this? This something amazing?

John: *still semi-traumatized*

Jim and Ray: *glaring at each other*

Robby: Yeah! *glances at the other three* C'mon, guys... Cheer up!

Ray: I choose not to.

Jim: Me either.

Ray: Stop copying me.

Jim: I'm not.

Robby: Uh-oh... Trouble in paradise!

John: Robby, oh my God.

Boys! Are you ready or not?!

Robby: *smiles* I broke John from his trance, so yep!

John: *sighs* Whatever...

Ray: Fine...

Jim: *shrugs*

Okay! You boys are... Are you ready for this? You're going to react to...MY RECORD COLLECTION! 

Robby: Oh thank God! Something I ACTUALLY understand!

John: Oh, cool!

Yeah! I have 35 albums, but a few are double albums and then I also have this HUGE amazing thing called "Mothership" and that's another four records.

Robby: I've seen bigger collections, but that's still cool.

My dad has over 400, if I remember right.

Robby: That's impressive. What all do YOU have?

Well... Let's see. 8 Beatles albums, 3 solo Beatle albums, 5 Who, 2 Monkees, 2 Led Zeppelin, 2 Elton John, 3 Queen, 2 Journey, 1 Eagles, 1 Bowie, 1 Simon & Garfunkel, 1 Animals, 1 Dylan, and 1 half of Cream's Wheels of Fire. The live half.

Robby: Neat. Doors?

Oh yeah! 3 Doors.

John: Which ones?

The Doors, The Doors--Greatest Hits, and, my personal favorite, Other Voices.

Jim: Other Voices is your favorite? I don't know if I should be offended or not...

Ray: ...Don't be. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Jim: You only say that because you sing most of it.

Ray: I'm not saying it's better then the Doors with you. All I'm saying is that she likes it more. And that's her opinion. I honestly think we were better with you. Just sayin'...

Jim: ...

Robby: *whisper to me* This was all just a ploy to get them back together, wasn't it...

*whispers* Yes. It was.

Robby: Good to know.

John: *whispers* Why are we whispering?

Robby: None of your business, John. *pats his head*

John: Okay. 

So... Ray and Jim... What do you think of my records...?

Ray: Shh... *stroking Jim's hair* He's asleep.

Jim: *mumbles* No, 'm not...

Ray: Yes, you are.

Jim: No! *looks up, obviously half-awake* Why's there a dog with glasses in front of me...?

Robby and John: *laughing*

Jim... Go back to sleep.

Jim: *blinks* There's a fuckin' squirrel laughin' at me... *shakes his head* Oh, it's just Robby...

Ray: You're kinda cute when you're half-awake...

Jim: Shh... Don't talk, doggo...

Ray: Jim. Jim, that's my face you're currently poking. Stop that.

John: Uh... Ray? Jim? What do you think of SM's records?

Jim: *smiles* Nice...

Ray: *nods in agreement*

Okay. I think we're good here... Be ready for next time, boys... You might never get over it...

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