More Than You Think Jane the Killer x Reader (girl)

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By: Tawnni.exe

I was just chilling at Slender Mansion waiting for Jane to come and chill with me. She is my best friend but I kinda wish we could be more. I have been thinking about my feelings for her. I get butterflies in my stomach and I get so nervous when I'm around her. I know this feeling it's called love. She knows I'm bisexual and she is cool with it but she doesn't know I like her. I'm scared to tell her because I don't know how she will react. I don't want to ruin our friendship.

I was deep in thought when Jane walked in and sat down next to me. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the feeling of Jane putting her head on my shoulder and poking my side. I blushed when she looked at me.

"H-hey Jane," I said trying not to stutter. She giggled and kissed my cheek leaving black shaped lip prints on my cheek and a smile on her face. I blushed a dark crimson red. She giggled again and whispered in my ear, "I like you (y/n). I like you a lot. You're really cute." Then she got up and shut and locked the door.

"W-why did you l-lock the door Jane?" I asked really nervous. "I know you like me (y/n). I want to show you how much I like you," she said with a smile. She sat down next to me again leaning closer to me. I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her forward. I pressed my lips to hers and let my hands drift down to her waist as her arms wrapped around my neck. I laid on my back pulling her on top of me. My hands went up the back of her shirt. I traced my fingers ever so lightly on her back. She gasped and shivered in delight. I looked at her and said one word, "Mine." I tightened my grip around her waist.

She giggled with an, "Okay." I sat up with her on my lap. Then I stood up still carrying her. I walked to my bed and laid her down. Then laid down next to her and again wrapped my arms around her waist. She giggled once again. I kissed her and she kissed back rolling on top of me deepening the kiss. I licked her bottom lip begging for entrance and in which she gladly let me in. Our tongues battled for dominance. I won in the end. I looked at her and noticed both of our shirts were gone. "Jane where did our shirts go?" I asked in response she just shrugged her shoulders. She tried to look innocent but she couldn't quite pull it off. I just laughed at her attempt and kissed her again. She ended up staying the night with me. We didn't do anything but kissy mushy stuff that you don't need to hear about because you can take a hint. I woke up in the morning with black lipstick stains on my cheeks, neck, and chest. I went to take a shower only to have Jane follow me in there and take one with me and you know what happened in there. We got funny looks at breakfast and Jeff got a broken nose from me because he was fighting with Jane. Don't give me that look I can't just let him fight with my girl and get away with it. I winked at Jane and kissed her cheek pulling her towards me and holding her close to me. 

A/N: Okay so here a yuri guys. Sorry for not being on here I've been having family issues and I haven't had a phone or internet. again I'm super sorry. I love you guys ~my furry little foxes~ ~Tawnni.exe~

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