Sonic.exe realizes he likes... You

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Written by: Tawnni.exe

Your P.O.V.

You and Sonic.exe have been friends for a few years now. You have been there through all his girlfriends. You were the first girl he didn't kill so you were special. You started crushing on him  a few months after you two became friends and by now he was your best friend. You told him almost everything. Everything except the fact you have a major crush on him and your other personality Candy. By now you knew all the creepypastas and you were actually friends with Slenderman, BEN, Jeff, and Slenders proxies. You talked to Slender a lot since he could read your mind he was the only one to know about your crush on Sonic. You have seen Sonic at his best and at his worst. And he has seen you at your best and your worst. He just hasn't met Candy yet. She is something else. She is what happens when you get drunk. And right now you were going to get drunk.

~~time skip an hour after Sonic left for another date~~

Your P.O.V.

You were at the bar because Sonic was on another date and you figured why not drink the pain away.

No ones P.O.V.

Two hours and many shots later Candy goes home only to see Sonic pissed off. "Finally your home I've been here for an hour my date stood me up," he said in a grumpy mood. Candy laughed and said," Awe is poor little Sonic grumpy because he didn't get another bitch to love him." He was shocked you never cussed. "(Y/n) are you okay?" He asked. "Sorry but (y/n) isn't here I'm Candy, (y/n) is drunk and that's when I come in. BTW she has a major crush on you and yet you choose all these other girls well that's your choice. She is completely crazy. I tried to tell her that she was out of your league. I mean your such an asshole to her yet she is head over heels for you. I hope you are proud of yourself. You fucking broke (y/n) goddamn you. You are so clueless. She blushes and stutters around you yet you just act like nothing is going on. You have no idea how many of your little bitches were jealous of (y/n) because she is your best friend and she knows a lot about you. They were all jealous bitches. But you are just so clueless you can't see shit. Ugh such a dumb ass." Candy finally quit ranting and looked at Sonic. He was standing there just staring at her. "Well I'm going to bed you can talk to (y/n) in the morning," said Candy. Sonic just nodded his head as she left.

Sonic.exe's P.O.V.

"(Y/n) likes me. What the hell? How could I not see it?" I asked myself. I sit on the couch and go back over the years and as I do I realize how blind I was and that I had feelings for (y/n) as well. Just then I got a call looking at my phone it was my date. I answered it and let her explain why she didn't show up. I just told her it was fine but cant see her because I realized that I found what I was looking for in my best friend. It sounded cliché but its how I felt at that moment. She said okay and we hung up. I got up and went to get (y/n) a glass of water and some pain killers. 'She is gonna have one hell of a headache in the morning' I thought to myself. I walked up to her room to find her asleep curled in a ball. I smiled lightly and picked her up gently and put her under the covers she moved in her sleep and wrapped her arms around my neck so as I put her down I fell next her. I tried to get up but she wouldn't let me go. She mumbled in her sleep for me to stay. So I did and ended up falling asleep.

~~timeskip to morning~~

Your P.O.V.

I woke up and my head was pounding. I felt arms around my waist and thought that I slept with a stranger, well that Candy did. I turned slowly as to not wake them up and to not hurt my head. I was so shocked at who I saw. Sonic was in my bed.... cuddling me. He looked really cute snoring very lightly. Then I remembered I was drunk last night. I jumped out of bed waking up Sonic and killing my head. I dropped down to my knees. Sonic quickly gave me a glass of water and some pain killers I swallowed them with the water. I blushed as Sonic picked me up bridal style and laid me on my bed. I turned away from him. I felt him lay next to me. "What happened last night Sonic?" I asked him. He simply sighed and nuzzled his face in my neck. My blush got brighter. "Well I met Candy and she said that you liked me. I'm sorry I never noticed (y/n)," he said. I turned around to face him and as soon as I did I regretted it. His nose barely touched mine. I blushed so hard. His cheeks had a light blush on them. He closed his eyes and put his forehead on mine. After a few minutes he opened his eyes and smiled. "You know I realized something last night," he said. "W-what did you r-realize?" I asked stuttering a little. He closed his eyes again and kissed me.

Sonic.exe P.O.V.

I kissed her. I kissed her. I kissed (y/n). Her lips were so soft. I think I love (y/n). Yep its official I love her. I really do. I pulled away and looked into her eyes. I said to her, "I realized that I love you." Her eyes started to water and she buried her face in my chest. I heard her say in a quiet voice I love you to.

Tawnni.exe sorry it's not a lemon but its still cute as hell at least to me. Bye bye for now ~my little furry foxes~

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