How would he ask you to prom? ASHTON ( part 1 )

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How would he ask you out to prom?

You slump down in your plastic chair,feeling bored and uncomfortable as usual. English didn't exactly interest you, so you usually found yourself doodling or falling asleep during class. As you fanned yourself with your folder, you spotted a yellow sticky note on the front of your book. This was not something you'd put there yourself so you took a look to see what it said. "find it in the libary: Nicholas Sparks - The Notebook (;". What the hell. Why was someone putting random post it notes with winky faces on them in your English folder? You sighed and put your head on your desk, preparing to sleep through yet another lesson. Who knows how you ever managed to pass, you hardly ever paid attention. The bell rang, signalling the start of your free peroid. Normally you would go and find your friends but today was different. Today you were going to search for this book. WHen you arrived at the libary you headed straight to the Nicholas Sparks section. As much as you hated English, you couldn't dent your love for reading books. Especially Nicolas Sparks. You found the book and sat against the book shelf, flicking through the pages. You were starting to get frustrated, you were curious to find out what the note meant.

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