He comes home early from tour

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You woke to the sound of your annoying ringtone going off, groaning you rolled over and sleepily slid your finger across the lock screen to answer whatever crazy person was calling you at this ridiculous hour in the morning. “Hello” you mumbled, still basically asleep, “hey baby sorry I woke you, I know it’s like 2 in the morning back home” the voice on the other line said which straight away you noticed as Ashton’s. Suddenly wide awake after hearing the sound of your boyfriends voice you sat up in your bed and flicked on your bedside lamp which lit up your once pitch black room. “hey babe what are you doing calling me at this ridiculous hour” you giggle, “I just really miss you, you’ve been on my mind all day and I needed to hear your voice” he replied, the sad tone in his voice becoming more and more clear with every word he said. “hey ash” you started, “just two more weeks and I’ll get to see your cute face again” you said as happily as you could but knowing he was sad you couldn’t help but feel sad too, and it was if in that moment all the emotions about missing him you had pushed down for so long suddenly resurfaced, knowing how much you really missed him too.

You and Ashton both continued to speak on the phone for another 10 minutes or so, sharing lots of I love you’s and I miss you’s before the phone call started to drop out and you both hesitantly hung up. Turning of your bed side table, you snuggled back into your half empty bed and closed your eyes to try and get some sleep. You must have only been in bed for 5 minutes when you heard a weird sound coming from your living room which almost sounded like a door opening although you didn’t think anything of It considering it was probably just yours and Ashton’s puppy. After tossing and turning for a while, you had finally drifted off into sleep when you felt two arms snake around your waist which make jump slightly in your bed as you let out a loud squeal. Suddenly wide awake for the second time that night or rather very early morning, you couldn’t help but squeal again when you came face to face with your boyfriend Ashton.

From excitement, you couldn’t help but basically jump on him and hug him which made him giggle a little, “I missed you so much baby, I couldn’t wait any longer” he whispered into your neck and just at those few words your whole body went weak, you couldn’t find the words to say because you had missed him so much and here he was, back home from tour early. You both lay in bed, you with a big grin on you face and your head laying on his chest as he played with you hair and told you stories about all the places he had been on tour so far. “How long do I get you back for?” you asked, looking up at him from your spot on his chest although you were unsure that you wanted to know. “you aren’t getting rid of me for a while baby, because in a couple of days when I have to leave to go back on tour I am taking you with me” he smiled, and unsure of how to respond you leaned up and placed a kiss on his lips to which you could feel him smile into.


You looked up at the clock that was hanging on the plain white school wall, you still had 45 minutes left of your boring math class until finally the bell would go and you could escape from hell and go back home to be fat and watch films for the rest of the day which was exactly what you needed after such a horrible day like the one you’ve had today. Not paying attention to anything your teacher was saying you pretended like you were listening and actually understood what she was saying when in reality you had no idea what she was talking about when you felt your phone vibrate In your pocket. When the teacher turned her back to the board you quickly took your phone out of your pocket to see that you had a text from your boyfriend Calum who was currently in America with his band touring, so to say you missed him was probably the biggest understatement in the world.

Hey baby girl I know you are in class right now which must suck :P but after school I need you to drop by my mums house because she’s got something for you ;) miss you more than words can explain, lub youuu xx

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