Chapter 5

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It's been a month since Brittney's Funeral and Adalynn is feeling worse than she did before. She feels completely numb and has no control over the dark thoughts that plague her mind. One dark thought after another. She feels nothing but emptiness without Britt by her side.

Adalynn's mum and dad, Natalie and Corey are starting to get worried, she never comes out of her room, not even to eat or drink. She'll come down occasionally but that's it. one morning before school Adalynn goes down stairs to have some breakfast and her parents are sitting there waiting. "we're starting to get really worried about you honey, you barely eat and you never come out of your room. Are you okay?" Her father Corey asks.
"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me okay?! I'll deal with things the way I want to deal with them and if that means sitting in my room to get some space and think then I will!" Adalynn lashes out at her unsuspecting parents. They were horrified, this wasn't their Adalynn at all.

She decides to go to school after her little outburst, as she gets there she goes to class early again she texted her friends and told them she would meet them at lunch. As she had plenty of time before the class actually started Adalynn thought it would be good to start writing in a journal, something that was only for her and was personal. "I want to be with Britt." she writes
"I feel like i'll never be happy again, I miss my best friend." she continues to write until everyone had showed up for the lesson. She then hid her journal in her bag and focused on the teacher.

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