The Cornucopia

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-----~~<Day One>~~-----

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-----~~<Day One>~~-----

The contestants wait on there podiaoms, tense. Suddenly the horn sounds and everyone makes a mad dash to and away from the Cornucopia.

Kari Haruna runs from the Cornucopia, scared. AZ on the other hand grabs a sickle from inside the Cornucopia. Bepbadatusernamesbop follows Kari Huruna's lead and runs as fast as he can away from the Cornucopia. Keyboard Warrior snatches a trident from the Cornucopia and runs for their life. Lion Rider finds a canteen and runs away, not caring about getting a weapon. Tiger Loves Writing scares Sparrow Dreams away from the Cornucopia, making a mad dash for any kind of weapon. Girafffe Noises runs away from the Cornucopia, thinking of her family. Prophet breaks Knuckle's nose, and grabs a knife running into the trees around them. Knuckles Stumbles backward and grabs some arrows, forgetting about a bow. R3NAGADE WO1F runs to the Cornucopia, and right when he reaches the weapons, he is stabbed at the base of the neck by Charlotte. Charlotte pushes the knife deeper, and upwards into R3NAGADE WO1F's brain. Moon Watcher and Blue Wolf fight for a bag, Blue Wolf gives up and retreats, not wanting to die. Gravy on Jello, Mushroom Guard, and Lovely Dovely get into a fight. Mushroom Guard triumphantly wounds Lovely Dovely and spares them, Gravy on Jello isn't so lucky and is stabbed repeatedly. Lovely Dovely launches himself onto Mushroom Guard punching her. They knock out Mushroom Guard, and grabs a basket of bread, an empty canteen, and a knife, then shove everything into the basket of bread, picks up Gravy on Jello, and runs away. Yandere Girl grabs a shield that was leaning against the Cornucopia. Buggs runs from the Cornucopia, with Daisy Justice Storm Cult, wondering who was already dead....if anyone. Daisy Justice Storm Cult runs with Buggs, scared. Manic the Wolf grabs a stack of throwing knives, and runs 'who will I kill first?' Is all he can think. Katana Bloodhood looks for a katana with no luck, she settles for a sword instead. Rose Plays runs toward the Cornucopia, back turns and runs away when Manic the Wolf starts throwing knives at her. Dreamy Head finds a bag of explosives, but turns them down. Instead she grabs a bow and ten arrows.

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