The Second Annual Hunger Games

112 7 52

Places left:
District 1 female
District 3 female and male
District 4 female and male
District 5 female and male
District 6 female and male
District 7 female and male
District 8 female and male
District 9 female and male
District 10 female and male
District 11 female and male
District 12 male

To enter fill out this form:

Name: first and last
Personality Points: (3-4 main personality traits)
Preferred weapons(PW): (1-4)
Strengths: (no more than four)
Weaknesses: (no less than 3)
Other: (reason behind weaknesses possibly)

Example: (won't be used unless spot is not filled)
Name: Kenai Nuok
Age: 15
Gender: male
Personality.P: hot-headed, trickster, alert, daring
P.W: traps, throwing knives, his mind
Strengths: very quick on his feet, good aim when throwing or shooting, very sneaky, smart
Weaknesses: a bit too curious sometimes, trusts too easy, bad hearing, deep sleeper
District: 10
Other: after many years on loud farms, his hearing decreased a substantial amount, making it harder to wake him up. But this caused him to try and become more aware, he's trained his eyes and nose to search for patterns.


District 1:


Gender: female

Preferred Weapon:



Name: Vincent Doyle

Gender: male

Preferred Weapon: bow and arrow or throwing knives

Strengths: accuracy, leadership, quick thinking

Weaknesses: too curious, being alone, cute things


District 2:

Name:  Aria Strauss

Gender: Female

Preferred Weapon: throwing knives or a bow

Strengths: fast, quiet, camouflage, scavenging

Weaknesses: head on assult, terrible at up-close combat, overly confident, not very good at making allies, clumsy at times


Name: Moon Haynes

Gender: Male

Preferred Weapon: bow and arrows, bola

Strengths: ranged fighting, climbing, and heights

Weaknesses: close rang fighting, swimming, being on the ground


District 3:


Gender: female

Preferred Weapon:




Gender: Male

Preferred Weapon:




District 4:


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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