Two canon shots can be heard in the distance
R3NAGADE WO1F District 11
Rose Plays District 6
Kari Haruna scolds herself for wasting time, and curls up in a corner, falling asleep.
AZ, Manic the Wolf, and Tiger stab Prophet in the leg, leaving her for dead.
Prophet whimpers when a shadow approaches her.
Lion Rider finds Prophet laying in the dirt, and picks her up, carrying her to shelter.
Bepbadatusernamesbop growls failing to make a fire, isn't them growling anymore....their ear piecing scream echoes through the woods when he is attacked by a "Hell Hound" (that is what I call those dog hibrid things from the first movie)
Buggs and Daisy Justice Storm Cult sharpen rocks and tie them to long sticks, making spears.
Sparrow Dreams gets to the river and falls to her knees smiling, she shoves her hands into the water scooping it into her mouth. She then climbs a tree and sleeps trying not to fall off.
Girafffe Noises is sent hot soup by an unknown sponsor.
Knuckles sleeps peacefully under some moss, that he camouflaged himself against.
Charlotte throws a spear that lands in the middle of Moon Watcher's back.
Moon Watcher looks down at the end of a bloody spear that had gone all the way through him, he dropped the bag, and collapsed. Charlotte grabbed the bag and ran for cover.
Blue Wolf roasts the fish she caught earlier, eating it greedily.
Gravy on Jello rested while Lovely Dovely tended to her wounds more.
Lovely Dovely is sent medical supplies from and unknown sponsor, she quickly read the note that came with it. 'For Gravy'. She smiled and used the medical supplies on Gravy on Jello.
Mushroom Guard hunted in the dark, angrily gripping her spears. She had tied knives to the end of some sticks.
Yandere Girl, Katana Bloodhood, and Dreamy Head ran across each other and truced, sleeping in shifts. But Dreamy Head had other ideas and stabbed Yandere Girl in her sleep, waking up Katana Bloodhood. They struggled, but Katana Bloodhood killed Dreamy Head by smashing her head repeatedly with a rock. She began to cry looking at the marred corpse. 'Thank you for your sacrifice....' She thought looking up towards the sky.
Keyboard Warrior screams as she tries to crawl away from the "Hell Hounds" she fails when the flesh is ripped right from her body.
The Hunger Games
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