Childhood friends.

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i didn't fucking proofread but enjoy the smut.

With a smile on her face Lauren unlocks the door of her childhood home. It's been so long since she was in Miami and she decides to surprise her family.

There's a new couch in the living room, that's the first thing she notices. The second one is that her mother finally got rid off that ugly orange vase that was at the bottom of the stairs, thanks heaven.

She makes her way up to her room and frowns when she doesn't find the huge poster of Megan Fox on the door like it was before she left, but then again, Chris and Taylor now don't have any poster on the outside of their door either.

She opens the door and her eyes scan the room, it's different.

The wall that once had a board with her photos now has a picture of a sunset instead. Most of her personal things are now replaced and safely put in the the box that sits in the corner of the room, marked as Lolo's stuff. She can only assume it's her dad who put it away.

She takes a seat on the beanbag near her bed and pulls out her phone to let her best friend know she made it back home in one piece.

She's glad that if nothing else, their parents still left her vinyl records and a player in her room, and her autographed picture with Matty Healy. 

It's about half an hour later when she finally hears her mother's voice and makes her way downstairs.

"So, what's for dinner?" She questions

"Holy--" Clara stops herself midsentence "Lauren! What are you doing?"

"Surprise?" Lauren jokes "Thought you'd be happy to see me mother."

"I am, come here." Clara replies and pulls Lauren into a hug

"Mooom." Lauren whines

"Fine, fine. I just, it's been so long since you've been home."

"I know, I see you redecorated my room."

"Oh, that." 

"Oh, that?"

"Honey, you remember I told you that Camila's dad got a job offer in Tampa?"


"He took it."

"Okay, how's that connected with my room at all."

"Camila is staying with us."

"In my room." Lauren says just above a whisper

"Yes, in your room. You're in college Lauren and she wanted to finish her high school here. They're like a family to us, she's been your childhood best friend and she's still best friends with your brother."

"So, where am I gonna sleep now that I'm here? At the couch?"

"You and Mila shared bed before-"

"When we were like eight! Mom, Camzi and I haven't actually been friends since I was in like 6th grade."

"Yeah, I remember you were close but what happened?"

"Nothing. We just fell apart?"

"Well, you'll get along just fine then."

"I guess." Lauren shrugs "So, what's for dinner?"

"Pizza. It's Thursday, we always have pizza on Thursdays."

"Since when?"

"Since Camila moved in, that girl loves her pizza."

"Well, I'll be up in my room, or Camila's room, so just call me when the pizza is here."

Childhood Friends (+18 Camren)Where stories live. Discover now