~Chapter 1~

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Scarlett's POV:

"Scar, dear. Please wake up." A small voice spoke from above me. "We need to go, now!"

The voice was getting anxious and some what irritated at my slow responsiveness, but my body wouldn't budge despite his uneasy pleas.

I tried opening my eyes, but they were completely sealed. There was no use in even trying. For some reason I wasn't able to move.

"Please, Scarlett!" The voice pleaded. "Wake up!"

I didn't recognize this obnoxious voice, but from what I heard it was a male's and he seemed to know me. That sort of worried me. But the more I was beginning to think about it, the more I realized that I didn't remember this name he was calling me either.

Scarlett, is that what he called me?

I felt my body being propped up against something hard, as two hands traced over my face.

"Scar? Are you waking up?" His voice had turned from irritated to concerned in a matter of seconds.

I think he was referring to how I jumped when his icy cold hands touched my face. The shock had made my eyes flicker open. Of course I closed them back immediately since my eyes weren't well adjusted to the bright sun that was shining over us.

I groaned and shielded my face with my hand, blocking most of the light.

"We need to go, right now! The bombings have been getting worse and worse each day. It hasn't really helped that you've been passed out for the last 3 days. Are you alright?" The voice asked in a mad rush of words.

Bombings? What was he talking about?

I let my eyes slowly cringe open, inch by inch and was able to see the boy who was responsible for all my confusion.

His eyes were the first thing I saw; blue orbs staring down at me. But as my eyes focused more I was able to see his straight, messy, chocolate colored hair that ran across his forehead. His bright face was smothered with dirt and his clothes had been torn and dirty also. His face was holding a smirk as he eyed me up and down.

That's when I realized I had been staring at him and he was still waiting for me to answer his question.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I finally managed to choke out. "But erm... Who are you?"

My eyebrows had already furrowed as he threw his head back in laughter.

"You're not fooling me this time." He laughed out; his sly smile growing wider by the second. "I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid."

I didn't know how to respond. First of all, that last statement made no sense. And second of all, he thought I was joking.

He offered his had down to me, and I took it as he lifted me up to a standing position.

"You thought you had me, didn't you?" He asked, still chuckling to himself.

I shook my head, baffled at why he was still laughing. "Could you at least tell me what you meant by bombings? Are we not safe?"

Another round of laughter came out from him. "Okay, somehow you're acting skills are getting better. You must've learned something when you hit your head that hard."

He began walking in the other direction, while I stayed where I was.

I had just then realized what surrounded me. Destruction everywhere I turned. Building were burnt down or halfway fallen. Roads were blocked with faulty cars. Even the grass I stood on was littered with debree. What was going on?

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