♕The Monster♕

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The planet of Khaas was entirely deserted, save a single town. Even during the planet's prime, Anlary had not been one of Khaas' most densely inhabited locations. In fact, the cozy, little city could even be classified as small.

This was precisely why the Djaren Nation had chosen to revive it as their new home. Not the Nation as a whole, of course. The Djareny were known for their small brains and lack of reasoning skills. This critical decision had probably been made by a few of the Nation's leaders.

It had been a wise decision indeed.

The smokestacks of Anlary's dilapidated factories had long since ceased to be active. Cobwebs spanned the lengths of entire streets, and old automobiles lined the corners of every sidewalk.

The city reeked of death.

It was the very last place anyone would think to search.

Even the infallible Prime Minister Saara Remy.

Still, deep in the heart of the broken city, carefully hidden by thick blankets of smog and ash, stood something that was whole. A tower rose up like a black beacon from the rubble around it, as if frozen in the glory of a time long gone. Lights glowed within it, and faint music was audible from its interior, suggesting the presence of (marginally) intelligent beings.

Despite this, the top floor of the tower remained dark and still. Its sole inhabitants- barely distinguishable from the decay outside- were a woman and a serpent.

The snake hissed softly as it slithered up her leather boot and onto her leg, circling her slender waist before settling down on her shoulder.

"Quiet, Merede," she whispered softly, placing a pale hand on the reptile's cold, slimy flesh.

It obeyed, falling silent almost instantly. She gave it a rewarding pat on the head, before sighing deeply as she looked through the thick panes of glass before her.

The location of her current room gave her a complete view of the central hub of the Djaren Nation's new home. Below her, the Djareny dined, as usual, on stolen meat. Her people laughed, danced, and celebrated over a hearty meal as if they hadn't a care in the world.

More than anything, Nexetra Serpis wished to be among them. She wanted to break out of her glass prison and meet them all. She wanted to shake hands with the greatest Djareny thieves, and perhaps even have a face-to-face conversation with her father. She wanted to stand before the Djareny and speak to them, as a leader should.

Yet, she could not, for if she were to spend more than a moment outside the four walls of her room, she would bring destruction upon her people.

She had learned this from firsthand experience.

Nexetra shuddered at the memory of his warm touch, his ringing laugh, and the disgusting, slimy taste of his flesh as it slid down her throat.

He had told her that he loved her, and that he would never leave her side.

And then, she had eaten him.

Nexetra doubled over and retched over the black tile beneath her as bile rose up in her throat.

What kind of horrible, twisted thing was she? How could she have done such an unspeakable deed? How could she have allowed the monster within her to gain complete control of her body?

It had all happened so fast...

"Lady Serpis? Are you alright?"

Nexetra's ears twitched at the sound of a distant voice, muffled by the walls that separated her from the rest of the world. She approached the meticulously padlocked double doors to her chamber, and nodded her head.

"Yes, I am quite alright. Thank you."

She wasn't sure who had spoken, and was quite surprised. The animalistic Djareny rarely expressed any kind of concern for other beings. It was rather startling that one had so thoughtfully inquired after her health.

Curious as to the identity of the mysterious Djaren, Nexetra stepped away from the door and peered through the glass walls. Although they afforded her little privacy, the Djareny ruler was very satisfied with the transparent barriers around her place of residence. After all, she could see out just as well as others could see in.

Her eyes landed on a young Djaren. His horns were pointed, brown, and covered in black spots. He wore a thick coat over a frayed pair of pants that were much too short for his spindly legs. He smiled at Nexetra when he saw her looking, giving her a shy wave.

Nexetra glanced at her faint reflection in the glass, noticing the proud pair of tall, ebony horns that spiraled up from her head and the flecks of green in her deep, brown eyes.

She was beautiful.

Too beautiful.


"You must go!" she barked at the boy. She winced at the devastated expression on his face, before remembering that she was protecting something more important than his feelings.

He continued to stand stupidly before her door as Merede grew agitated, hissing softly as she bobbed her head up and down in a deadly rhythm. Nexetra's face twisted into a scowl and she crossed her arms, using every intimidation tactic at her disposal in order to get the boy away.

Her muscles grew tense as a deep groan escaped her stomach- a sound far lower in pitch than anything she could naturally produce.

She placed her hands protectively over her stomach as waves of pain rocketed through her torso. A ringing ensued in her ears, preventing her from hearing anything around her. Nexetra dropped to the ground, curling up into a tight ball as her stomach began to churn violently.

It was hungry.

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