♕The Preparations♕

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"You have to wear all of that at once?" Tuofah frowned, looking down at the outfit laid out on Hugo's bed. The bed was barely distinguishable underneath the varied assortment of garments many of whose purpose she couldn't begin to discern. 

"I get to wear all of that at once!" Hugo's smile broadened as he surveyed his lavish coronation attire. "A shirt, a vest, and a coat! And what's this?" he turned over the sleek, black coat to reveal a flash of red silk and gold cords underneath. "A cape?" In a second, the cape was off the bed as Hugo wrapped it around his shoulders, posing dramatically. "Do I get to wear the cape every day?" 

His question was directed at the Prime Minister who stood in the corner of the room, already dressed in a sophisticated green gown and looking at Hugo and Tuofah with a condescending sneer. It was clear that she would rather not be personally chaperoning her "prince," but telling anyone else about her scheme would only be creating another liability. 

"No, you most definitely do not get to wear the cape every day," she shook her head. "It is only ceremonial. Now, stop gaping like you've never seen half decent attire in your lives and get dressed. Both of you. You will meet me and a few of my Ministers in the command room when you're done. Keep in mind that we have already announced both the Emperor's death and the return of his lost son, so they will be quite anxious to hear all about your tribulations. Remember your story, and stick to it," she said firmly, before reaching for the doorknob. "I will take my leave now. Don't be too long." 

"Well, she's certainly going to be the joy of our lives, isn't she?" Hugo chuckled as soon as Remy was out of the room. 

"She was born into a family of Ministers, you can't blame her for being so dry. And no offense, but you were kind of acting like a fool," Tuofah replied pragmatically, looking down at the red and gold gown draped across her own arm. "I think I should go get dressed." 

"Oh, please, not you, too

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"Oh, please, not you, too. I need someone who knows how to have a little fun around here or I might go crazy!" 

Tuofah smiled softly, shaking her head, as she made her way into the bathroom. She eagerly kicked off her sweaty boots and pulled her shirt over her head, stretching generously as she felt her skin finally being able to breathe. Bending over the steel countertop, she ran her hands under the faucet, her coarse skin relaxing under the water's cooling touch. 

She'd already seen the file of her new identity- the recently deceased daughter of an aristocratic country landlord who also happened to be dead. In fact, Tuofah was supposed to be the sole surviving member of her family, which, as the Prime Minister had so keenly pointed out, was quite convenient when it came to both inheritance and secrecy. She was secretly a little offended that the Prime Minister didn't see plain old Tuofah Lynnstrijker as worthy of the Emperor-to-be, but she understood why her name had to be changed. The Imperial Orders against her family hadn't been lifted, but they sure as heck would never affect her again. 

She shook her head as she looked down at her callused palms and dirty fingernails bitten down to the nub. Who was she kidding? Those were the hands of Tuofah Lynnstrijker, perpetually stressed Tactile mechanic. She didn't know what the real Lady Violet Hayworth's hands had looked like, but they couldn't have looked anything like hers. Violet probably would've done her nails. She probably had nails to do. 

Tuofah sighed, splashing two handfuls of water onto her face. She couldn't afford to get hung up on the little details. After all, no one would pay as much attention to her as she did. She was overthinking this. She had a beautiful dress to wear and a Djareny con artist so obsessed with grandeur that he might as well have been an actual prince by her side. No one would suspect her. 

Five minutes later, Tuofah was in the command room, and she wasn't the first one there. Hugo already sat in a leather chair that was much too tall for him, proudly sporting his red cape and long, black coat adorned with various medals. With his left leg crossed over his right, he showed off his immaculately shined shoes, and with the majestic, almost snooty look on his face, he was the picture of imperial perfection. Ministers and well-dressed Peenutz alike stood around him at a polite distance, showering him with questions. He gave them all quick, intelligent answers, soaking up their attention like a sponge. His Upper Reloriose accent was so perfect and so unlike his usual manner of speech that it almost made Tuofah laugh in disbelief. 

"Ah, look who has finally arrived." Hugo stood up from his chair to greet her. He looked momentarily confused when the seated Ministers around him also stood up out of respect, and Tuofah feared that someone would notice, but the charade was back on in full force in less than a second. 

Tuofah approached him, reaching out for a handshake, but Hugo took her hand with the tips of his gloved fingers, pressing it to his lips. 

"Too much!" Tuofah mouthed, but Hugo only winked. Either he didn't notice her anxiety regarding his sudden transformation from runaway Djaren to imperial heir or he took it as proof that his show was working. 

"You must be Lady Violet. The one who stole my ship." Tuofah whipped around to find herself face to face with Minister Speiss. Although he seemed much less threatening now that she was dressed as well as he was and they were speaking as equals, he was still a force to be reckoned with. His calculating eyes seemed to dissect every fiber of her being. 

"My sincerest apologies for that most unfortunate incident, Minister. You see, Nexetra Serpis and the First Legion suspected Arafien's identity, and we were forced to do something to prove to them that their suspicions were incorrect and that we were, in fact, mere thieves." She stuck to the story she and Hugo had rehearsed, hoping with every inch of her being that neither of them had forgotten a small detail. If anyone could catch something like that, it was Minister Speiss. 

"Clever," Speiss nodded. "Let us not harbor hard feelings- the ship has been returned in prime condition. And more importantly, we have your ingenuity to thank for the Prince's safe return." 

My ingenuity. What an absolute joke. I was sure he was onto us. 

But before I could get too paranoid, the ship's horn sounded three times, signaling that we were mere minutes away from Relorio. 

This is not at all how I pictured my first visit to the capital. 

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