♕The Kidnapping♕

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"Are you certain this is where they said they'd pick us up?" Hugo questioned. He, Tuofah, and the Peenutz stood on the highest palace balcony that faced away from the city. After the strenuous events of the past few days, they all felt that they could use some privacy. 

"As far as I know, it is," Tuofah picked at the sleeve of her cashmere sweater as she paced aimlessly across the spacious balcony. They were to make a visit to Nardysk in order to meet and consult with several local governors on infrastructural issues, and these few moments before their ship arrived were one of the only times they were left unguarded. No one said it aloud, but they were all silently cherishing their privacy. 

"So, how does it feel to be a free woman?" Hugo strolled over to Tuofah's side, resting his arm on her shoulder as they both looked out at the spacious castle grounds below. "No Imperial Orders hanging over your head, no more worrying about making ends meet. Just living life to the fullest, like a Gifted should." 

"I don't know." It certainly didn't feel like she thought it would feel. Tuofah closed her eyes as she gripped the balcony railing with both hands, feeling the history woven into the ancient marble grain. Not all of it was pleasant. Being a Gifted heiress with Hugo as her Emperor and the Peenutz by her side wasn't the fairytale ending she'd hoped it would be. She didn't feel like a 'free woman'. No, she felt even more caged than before. Suddenly, people were watching and studying and judging her every move. The shadow of Minister Speiss's cold, calculating eyes on the nape of her neck seemed to haunt her even when she knew the crafty politician wasn't around. It was almost better having the Imperial army after her. 

"I'm not blind," Hugo began. "I'm living my best life up here on top of the universe, but I'm not naïve enough to think that you are, too. I see how you feel. I want you to know that." Tuofah felt the various gemstone-studded rings on his fingers digging into her back and sighed softly, relaxing into his arms. No matter what happened to her now, at least there was one person who would understand. As she turned her head, looking thoughtfully into his pale, patient eyes, she found herself thinking for the thousandth time that day how ironic it was that he was a Djaren. A member of a supposedly savage, unfeeling race was the only person in this universe who had been through everything she had. The only person who could possibly understand how she felt. 

"Looks like the ship's here!" Nut announced, pointing at the sky. An obsidian hulk was descending upon them. They watched, gathering around Hugo and Tuofah, as it sent out a long, metal arm presumably to anchor itself on the edge of the balcony. 

"Do we have to go?" Koot groaned, nibbling on a raspberry tart. "I'm tired. I don't want to listen to more speeches- I want to go to the garden!" 

"I'd be happy to watch the kids for their convenience and your own... Your Majesty," Aikoro offered coolly, her arms crossed over her chest. 

"Oo ahn awoo iss ohevaa- I mean, you can't avoid this forever, Aikoro," said Ben, who was still getting used to his new tongue. "Like it or not, we're here. And it's much better than spending the rest of our lives as your mother's Acolyte slaves."

"I didn't escape one ruler's closest circle just to be thrust into another!" Aikoro frowned indignantly. "The children are the only decent human beings around. I might as well spend my time with them." And with that, she marched dramatically off to the nearest flight of stairs, gesturing for the younger Peenutz to follow her. 

"She'll come around," Ben said reassuringly as the ship's long, black door fell open, though even his confidence seemed like it was starting to waver. Hugo thought it was strange that there were no ceremonial guards at the ship's entrance to greet them, but perhaps all that had just been temporary post-coronation glamor. He could certainly do without it. Cutting his eyes over at Tuofah to make sure she was following, he squared his shoulders and strode pompously over the door, which also functioned as a temporary bridge from the balcony to the ship. 

The ship's inside, too, wasn't what he'd expected from an Imperial cruiser. For starters, it lacked the assortment of flags, unduly flattering portraits of distinguished monarchs, and Imperial seals that characterized most spaces designated for royal use. But it was comfortable enough. He and Tuofah took their seats on a long, cushioned bench that spanned the length of the back wall, fastening their seatbelts and watching as a female guard in a comically tall helmet entered from the cockpit. 

"Welcome, Your Eminences," she bowed her head three times- to Ben, to Tuofah, and finally to Hugo. "Please prepare for the journey to Nardysk. We will arrive in approximately thirty minutes' time." 

Thirty minutes. And it had taken Tuofah weeks to get here from her shop in Nardysk, even excluding her major detour to Earth. One had to appreciate first-rate aviation technology. 

Tuofah kicked off her boots, not knowing or caring if that was appropriate for a woman of her status, and put her feet up, settling in for the ride. As her bare foot grazed the metal floor, she felt a strange ominousness enter her Gifted senses. Confused and mildly startled, she slowly lowered her foot back to the floor, feeling her brain explode with information. Her heart thumped faster as she sorted through the ship's memories.

"We have to get out of here!" Tuofah grabbed Hugo's shoulder, shaking it violently, as soon as the guard left the main cabin. "This isn't an Imperial cruiser- I saw its memories with my Gift. We need to contact the Prime Minister." 

She practically ripped off her seatbelt, rushing to the door as she pulled it backward with all her might. 

"Wait- why? What's going on?" Hugo frowned, standing up to join her. 

"The girl is quite astute." 

Hugo and Tuofah whipped around to see the guard standing in the doorway, her helmet tucked under her arm. Tuofah now understood why it was so tall. The woman had horns. She was a Djaren. 

"Welcome to this humble transporter of the Djareny Nation, Imperial Majesty," she smirked. "General Serpis will be quite delighted to see you."

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