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I felt so alone, and darkness was swallowing me. Water trickled down each of my cheeks. This feeling left me nauseated, as the shadows of the trees began to consume me. Thoughts swarmed my mind. Where were the others? Where was my family? They always protected me, and they weren't here. Especially her. Where was she?

I tried to stand up, but my body wouldn't allow it. Of course, its typical in my life now. I can't do anything on my own, without them. Without her. I tried with my every being, to do something for her.

I had ran through the woods late at night to assure they wouldn't notice of my leaving, but it was morning now, surely some of them, at least, had noticed my absence. If not my absence, I would assume they've noticed the missing weapons.

I tried to stand up, my muscles ached, but I had some balance now. My eye sight was blurry, but I could walk. When I get back to camp, I'll just explain, to her. I'll tell her everything.

The woods around me began to twist and turn, my body was failing me again, then I fell and there was a sharp pain in the back of my head. There was a darkness around me again, this time it consumed me completly.

After some time had gone by like this, there was shuffling in the leaves beside me, fur glided across my cheeks. "Its ok." She soothly said while licking my tears away. "Im here now."

Light invaded my eyelids, making me see red. Hair tickled my face, making me fully arise. Blinking, I smiled at the realization it was all another elaborate scheme of my brain. Amazing. It felt so real.

The sun shone in through the red drapes, creating a reddish atmosphere within the huge room. Book shelves crowded the corner, along with an array of art tools. What stood out in the room, was the queen size bed, decorated with splatter paint of all sorts of different colors. The rooms patterns of colors made my eyes dance along, hopping from one object to the other.

My dreams made me uplifted, but they felt unfinished. I closed my eyes once again, and shifted my body to the right, but a body already toke up this space. "Could you poke me one more time, I almost liked it." Julia outburst.

"Well, someone has a little bit of an at-ti-tude, it's almost as if you stayed up drinking all night, oh wait..." I imitated someone drinking out of a bottle.

"Ok." She batted her eyes while smirking. "I seem to recall YOU drinking more than half the bottle of chardonnay, sweetie." She pressed here finger in between my eyes. I swatted her finger away, while doing the same with the sheets. Now on my knees, I started to get up. "Wait! Friend in need here!" I rolled my eyes and lifted Julia up and put her over my shoulders. "Oh boy." She exhaled.

"Just helping out my hungover friend!" I snided.

"I don't think you get it darling, I wasn't hungover until now. Just over your shoulders." Julia pointed out while I picked out an outfit for school. "Please put me down."

"I just want to hear it one more time."



"Pretty please. Like please with cherries on top. Even whip cream. I know you love whip cream!" Julia sayed while smacking my butt. "Huh!" She outburst while fIaring her arms up. Instantly I stop rummaging through my clothes and put Julia down on the bed in disgust.

"Ba-ha! I knew that'd work. Oh-ma-gosh, you dooo like whip cream!" Julia's deep grey eyes sparkle. I go back to looking through my closet for clothes and start humming a song that I'm currently writing. "You want to hear a joke?" I pull out a sparkling pink top that works pretty well with the pants I've picked out so far. The pants have writing along the sides and slashes on the other. I think I got them from Hot Topic before preps starting showing up there. I shivered. "Ok there was a girl and a waiter." Julia starts off, "The girl was like, 'I'd like a triple sundae with chocolate syrup, nuts, and lots of whipped cream. The waiter asks 'Is that with a cherry on top?' The girl is then like, 'Heavens no! I'm on a diet!'." Julia starts laughing to herself.

I go over to the mirror and start changing. Julia lays on the bed with a sigh.

"You know I don't think the dress code allows pjs. I don't know I may be wrong. We could find out." I remark. Julia plays with her black hair. I decide the outfit works with my blonde hair. The deep blue pants even match my eyes. Pulling out my leather jacket and leather boots, I add those to my wardrobe as well. Happy with the results I go over to Julia's bag.

Julia now sitting up on the bed, she watches me as I sift throught her bag, finally deciding on a pair of clothes, I then walk over to the bed, and hand them to her, unbeknowst of my presence. "Ashley, sometimes I wonder if you ever make any noise."

"You know I was built that way." I assert. She cringes, for the fact she even brought up the subject. "Its fine. Im an android. Now put those on, so we can go to school and get this over with."

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