Dreams Turn Into Reality (Part One)

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Jerome was excited to see his girl. He hasn't seen you in hell knows how long? The last time you spoken in person was about her father Grey.

Grey wasn't the nice guy you would want to meet, especially if it's your crushes parent. He is the least expected guy to meet ever! Jerome hated him with all means and he had a good reason too. He wanted him dead, anything to keep you from harm. Especially from that son of a bitch.

He reached to her broken, old, shitty apartment of yours. The building really did look unsecured, unsteady and looked like it would clasped any second now. He looked at your window to see if it was opened and to his luck it was.

He smiled as he went over to the fire escape and climbed up to your window. Once he reached her window he slide the window opened.

A warm smile escaped his lips as he climbed inside the window. He turned around to shut the window close and turned around to see your room.

It wasn't much, especially when you're living with her father. You were lucky to have a bed, a warm blanket and a couple of pillows. But you were lucky to have a bed to sleep in and a place to live, for now.

He's gonna hopefully try to convince you to come with him and live with him. He couldn't care about all of the insane people there, or how wanted he is, and that he didn't even ask Theo if you can live with him. Oh well!

All he cares is your safety and care. If Greenwood goes anywhere near you or even looks at you, he'll make sure to murder that son of a bitch. Partner or not he should know that you are Jerome's. He'll make sure that you're his soon enough.

But he was pulled from his trains of thoughts when he heard sobbing. And it was yours. He knew he couldn't go out there to save you because of your father and how wanted he is. He desperately wanted too but he knew he couldn't risk there friendship either.

He heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom and he quickly hid in the wardrobe and closed the door.

He watched you run in your room and closing the door behind you as you cried. Your face is full of your tears and loud sobs were heard. Why are you crying? You looked so unhappy. You looked so fragile and harmless.

All he wanted to do was run out of the wardrobe and hug you to death. To kiss you passionately and to tell you that everything will be alright. But he would lie if he said that to you. And he couldn't hug or kiss you because you aren't his. But soon you will be.

Jerome watched you as you clasped on the bed, crying. Your cries made him feel upset as well. He never wanted to see you like this, not ever. And he made sure to make it his goal not to see you like this ever again.

He opens the wardrobe door and quietly walks over to you. Your face was deep in too the pillow as you continued to sob. Jerome crawled onto the bed as he hovered over you as he rubbed your back in a circle. His face was close to your own as he continued to rub patterns on you back as you began to calm down.

You thought that you were imagining all of this but what you didn't know that this imagine is reality.

"Y/N? What happened?" He asked you in an smoothing, comforting whisper. You turned away from your pillow slowly and looked at Jerome with an wide expression on your sad features. Light had shown in your E/C as you saw the red head herself. You weren't imagining it, it was real. He was really here.

"Jerome!" You said in an exciting tone that was almost an yell. Your arms wrapped around his torso and your head rested on his neck as soft sobs still could be heard.

Jerome felt weird, that you were hugging him. He never had anyone hug him like what you're doing. But he felt safe and happy. He slowly returns the favour of hugging you back. He began to make small patterns on your back once again as he tried to calm you down. And it worked too.

Dreams Turn Into Reality (Jerome Valeska Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now