2 - Project Partners...?

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And here we have the shy cuties (?)

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 (IN THIS CHAPTER)  Aki (autumn/bright/sparkle) - Main character
 (IN THIS CHAPTER)  Kiyoshi (pure) - Dandere
Kou (happiness/light/peace) - Deredere
Aoi (blue) - Kuudere
Hisoka (reserved) - Tsundere
Katsumi (self-controlled) - Yandere

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   Aki waved goodbye to Kou as he walked into his next class. Reading and writing, he enjoyed the subject when they weren't forced to write essays about dull topics, otherwise he'd just drag through the period dully. This teacher was one that pretended to try and be fun, and loved order. Apparently the whole class now had assigned seats. He sighed, walking to the board to find his name. At least he was near the window... He walked over, setting his backpack against the leg of the desk and slumped in his seat.

   There was already a boy sitting next to him, the seat next to the window, and the desks were set up in pairs. He recognized the other classmate...Kiyoshi, was it? Aki saw his name next to his own on the paper. Kiyoshi was reading a book, his body leaning forward against the desk with his hands in front of him on the wooden surface. Aki cleared his throat carefully, but Kiyoshi flinched. The noise made him looked around slowly, until his eyes landed on Aki.

   His eyes seemed curious, but Aki could feel that he was anxious. "Hey," Aki offered a smile, and Kiyoshi bit his lip. "H...hi," he replied softly, turning his attention back to the book. Aki made his mouth into a straight line, feeling some awkward tension. Or...maybe it was just him. Well, they were seat partners at the moment, might as well break some sort of ice. It just felt like the boy was a whole block of ice himself. Hopefully, Aki thought, he wouldn't...annoy him.

   He sighed, looking over at Kiyoshi again. Feeling that he was being watched, Kiyoshi adjusted himself in his seat, trying to concentrate on his book. An idea suddenly occurred to Aki as he could barely see the cover of Kiyoshi's book. It was one of his favorites, oddly enough. Maybe this could help with the tension...? Aki hoped.

   "I, uhm...I'm sorry," Aki started, making Kiyoshi look over at him in confusion. "Pardon...?" He asked quietly, and Aki shrugged. "I don't...mean to bother you, or anything..." Kiyoshi lowered his book, slightly turning to the boy next to him. He bit his lip, a guilty expression forming on his face. "There's...nothing to be sorry for..." Kiyoshi messed with the ends of his sleeves.

   "I just, uh, got the idea that maybe you weren't...interested, heh..." Aki continued, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Kiyoshi watched him, "Oh, I... Sorry, um, I just... I'm not used to...people..." Aki watched him fidget with his hands. "T-thanks..." He said quietly, feeling a blush rise to his cheeks. He suddenly winced, expecting the worst. But to his relief, Aki smiled.

  Aki let out a nervous chuckle, "What for?" Kiyoshi lightly started to swing his foot back and forth, "people aren't usually...nice. At least, from my experiences..." He looked up to meet Aki's eyes, covering half of his face with his sleeve, "so, I don't, uhm...know how to..." He gestured between the two of them, and somehow Aki understood. "Sorry if this sounds weird or something, but... I kinda want to...change that."

   Kiyoshi's eyes widened, a light blush dusting across his face. Aki offered a nervous smile as he shrugged. Kiyoshi didn't know what to say, he can't think of anyone else like Aki, so he didn't know how to react... Until Aki gave him that smile, and he thought that if he really wanted to stick around the quiet boy... Well, he couldn't protest. Kiyoshi gave him a small smile in return, nodding lightly.

* * *

   It was slow, but Aki was happy with the little progress. He never really saw Kiyoshi around anyone, just usually alone reading or writing. In a way, it was what drew Aki to him, the curiosity. As he tried to ease Kiyoshi into some sort of friendship, he noticed how Kiyoshi went silent during the class, and how Aki could see his shy side. The class discussion suddenly went to some sort of project, and, alas-- Aki never seemed to hear the important things in class.

   His attention was mostly on Kiyoshi though, making the poor boy redden and fidget when he noticed the other's stare. "Saito and Suzuki," the teacher announced, making Aki's head shoot up. Fearing that he was caught, he heard Kiyoshi giggle quietly beside him. He turned his head quickly, some sort of feeling close to...achievement? He felt warm hearing the sudden noise, and he started to smile. Kiyoshi, realizing that he had been heard, tried to look to the side nervously as a bright blush appeared, feeling like it was burning his face.

  "So... Did the teacher call on us for a bad reason?" Aki suddenly asked, making Kiyoshi look at him again. A small smile unintentionally grew, and he slowly shook his head. "Luckily, no," he answered softly, and Aki breathed out a sigh of relief. "We're...assigned as future partners. Hence the seating..." Kiyoshi trailed off nervously, but was surprised when Aki grinned.

   Now, at this point, Kiyoshi usually worried about having to do all the work when he was forced with different people. But, the way Aki treated him to this point, when he didn't think that he had to in any way...somehow comforted him. Surprisingly, he unintentionally started to let his guard down with Aki. He suddenly realized it, but it almost felt...natural.

  "Meaning...you're stuck with me," Aki grinned, and Kiyoshi let out a small laugh in response. It was soft and quiet, fitting perfectly to him, and Aki loved it. He felt his face warm at the sound. "I...don't mind..." Kiyoshi glanced down shyly, messing with the end of his sleeve. "I'm glad," Aki admitted, a warm smile spread across his lips.

   "Wait... We have a project now!?" Aki suddenly asked, and luckily Kiyoshi's head was still down, because he was trying to fight the grin trying to grow. He nodded, "Yes." Kiyoshi sat up, fixing his glasses as his eyes met Aki's. "D-did she say anything...?" Aki asked, his voice lowered with anxiety. Kiyoshi offered a small smile, "on the board. We have to write a paper about our partners..." Aki's head turned to the front of the room, skimming through the instructions and details.

   "Mm..." Aki hummed softly, standing up and walking over to the teacher's desk. Kiyoshi shyly watched, his arms were crossed on the desk loosely before he moved a hand to his face, suddenly feeling some type of exposure without Aki by him. His gaze lowered, and he felt his face burn. He let out a shaky sigh, covering his face with his hands as he hunched over in his seat with his elbows being supported on his knees. 

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Lol. I'm sleep-deprived... And I don't know what to write ;;;
  Anyways, yeah, Aki is...a people pleaser I guess, so his personality usually shifts a little depending on who he's with, but mainly being the same where it counts? I guess? Idk it's one way to put it..

But, hey, I might add more if I get the chance or get any ideas... I wonder who the next dere will be... ^^;; 

Hope you guys liked it.. ~ ♡ ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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